I had a checkup at BostonSight yesterday. Given my wonk-ass left eyeball’s history of sickliness, I was expecting unhappy news and new prescriptions…something along those lines anyway. NOPE! In fact, both of the eye docs who looked me over proclaimed my eye beautiful.
THIS is an absolute first – alMOST unbelievable!

On the way home Ten and I stopped in at Stop & Shop where I saw this awesome sign. My town, Quincy, joins the 122 other burgs (including Boston) who’ve already banned those disgusting killers.
YEA Quincy!
A full, statewide ban was approved, by a 36-4 vote, by the Senate late November. The bill is now being debated in the House.
I wanna know who the no-voting four are. Who would vote against the environment and FOR the ocean-life killers.
California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon and Vermont have statewide single-use plastic bag bans – why not us?

WHY do we have a mega wealthy (net worth 20 mil) Republi/Facist gov here in Massachusetts anyway and WHY, with his obscene, über riches, does he even take a salary? The giant housing allowance I can ALMOST see (‘cept it comes out to MORE than 5Gs a month AND the man lives in a milion buck + mansion just 12 miles north of the statehouse), but the $185,000 yearly paycheck too? That’s just greedheaded, grabby Trumpism.
Boston Magazine asks if it’s time for Baker to leave the GOP but, c’mon, Baker may not be ultra keen on 45’s style but, in opposing the plastic bag ban, he seems to be just fine with the heinous ant-planet saving/pro-plastic bullshit of his fellow Trumpublicans.
He’s not up for reelection until 2022. I hope someone cooly progressive and charismatic runs against him.
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