Yesterday Jen’s family was over to celebrate her big birthday. This included her sister Erin, husband P.J. and adorbs six year old son Patrick. Brother Dan was there with wife Lucy and their two fab teens. Both Mom and Pop showed – they divorced 30 years ago but are comfortably, admirably friendly and attend all the ménage parties.
Ten and I popped over just in time for dessert which was Erin’s flourless dark chocolate cake with REAL hand whipped cream topping. Yes, the word is Oh-Dear-Fucking-Bast-YUM-CITY!!!!!
Ten and I mostly stayed in the kitchen with Jen, Jack (Pop) and Donna (Mom). Why? Smaller crowd than in the living room which meant I had half a shot at being able to do a tiny bit of lipreading and Jen could sign what I couldn’t – I could mostly keep up. That and I was on the mega weak-ass train yesterday – I was moving WAY slow on every level.
Patrick meditating after his karate class |

Erin, Patrick and Brigit (Dan and Lucy’s 14 year old who’s, like, 7’12” tall – ENVY!) came in to visit and schmooze. It was really nice.
I’m always blown sideways by Jen’s clan – they’re all so interesting (I’ve told you about Jack sailing solo to Ireland multiple times, right?), considerate, talented, appreciative of the arts (four or five at the time, Patrick walks into my kitchen, sees the paint job and was happily and vocally gobsmacked) supportive (Erin, Test Kitchen Director and Chef for Cook’s Illustrated) brought over a ton of food when I got out of the hospital) – I could go on and on about this famiglia that I’m so lucky to be embraced by.
I was happy they all finally met Ten. That felt like kind of a big deal. After all, The Amazing Bob was a fixture – they all loved him. Of course they did – how could anyone, besides outright rotted, smelly, festering pools of hate riddled slime brained deplorables, NOT? In any case, they’ve now been intro-ed to my new love – it feels kinda like the last comma, M-space and apostrophe have been made. TAB is gone. That will always spark up the sad BUT there’s also, right down to my molecular levels, happiness, joy and total thrilledness that I had him in my life for 30 wild years, through bad times and good.
Dunno – I guess what I’m yammering on about here is that yesterday felt like a big transition point. I guess that merits a big, fat DUH.
Ten and my one year anniversary of living together Is March 13th and it’s coming up. That’s the day I landed in Oregon – it’s when we began our epic and excellent cross-country adventure.
The escapades, roguery and capers happily continue.
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