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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Approaching Lightness

Flowering Boston from years past
I did REALLY good yesterday – I promised myself that I wouldn’t obsessively haunt the news sites for election updates and results. In fucking fact, I didn’t even look at all! Nope, not once. Instead, I worked, painted, took a walk and, just generally, had a life outside my fears. Awesome, n'est-ce pas?

I should do more of this. Mind you, I can't holiday from reality every day since I DO need to know what’s what and shit BUT having a couple news-free days a week could be excellent for my discombobulated, rat-ass health.

On Monday I had my second Spaulding Rehab session and, unlike the first appointment, it went GREAT – gangbusters even. I got back on the recumbent elliptical (for five whole minutes) and it felt SPECTACULAR. I’m now cleared to elliptical on my own – YEA! I can also walk on the indoor track (I did two laps Monday – an eighth of a mile!). Ten has to be with me though. Basically, I need a babysitter (I much prefer the term”spotter” or, better still “chaperon”) because I tend to ambulate too damn fast. This means I’m not getting a solid equilibrium work out PLUS, going all rápida ups my ever present splat possibilities.

Jackie, had me on some weight machines for my legs too. I need a minder for these as well since I’ve demonstrated a tendency to keep going/NOT stop after the advised number of reps. (10 versus ∞).

So, this second session felt like a solid breakthrough. I’m not back at 100% – not by a long shot BUT I’m now, at least, on the road. Yea me!

I feel like I can make fun plans again like, taking the T into the Public Garden later this month to see (and snap) the first flowers of spring (Daffodils! Crocus!). Maybe, if my energy holds, we could walk up through the Back Bay to check out all the gorgeous blooming dogwoods too.

Clearly it’s not just Monday’s breakthrough perking me up, it’s the imminent arrival of spring too. I’m feeling a bit of hope for myself, my stupid health AND the country.

One of my GIANT fears has been that the Treasonweasel in the White House will find a way to cancel November’s election (where he and his BFF Mitch of Moscow will lose BIGLY – vote for Amy!). Maybe he will or will try to BUT with his big-ass fumbling of Afghanistan, the Coronavirus  (he puts Dense-Science? Who needs science when we can just pray it away!-Pence in charge – christ almighty, what a maroon) AND his ongoing catastrophically cruel, stupid, lie filled, nazis-on-meth family separation policy, on top of his other mondo incompetencies and crimes…I suspect that only the most sycophantically imbecilic Republi/Fascist congresscritters will support this. (Maine Senator Susan Collins will be “concerned though)

Dunno, I think it’s more likely that he’ll just round up his usual gang of shysters, sharks and reality twisting slicks and attempt to litigate/buy his way out, as uszh. I don’t see him doing a runner, decamping to Moscow. That’s not where his cult, his fans live, there's no gold paint covered Trump Tower there either AND I think he's aware that Putin doesn't REALLY like him. Call it a hunch – look at the pics of them together. 45 knows that Vlad's not gonna put a ring on it.

So yeah – I'm feeling a tad more like myself again – YIPPEE!

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