Yesterday, despite being three full weeks post op, was another big pain day. Yes, too much PT was done on the previous day. DOH! Seriously now, I hit Munch levels at least few times. Lemme just tell you, that ain't NO goddamn fun.
So, I laid abed, finished my last escapist novel and ended up doing nada and then niente, followed by a hod-load of fuck-all.
I can't paint yet. I stand whilst splashing the acrylics around. Why? Painting is a full body/mind dealio for yurs truly. What I can do today is doodle and scribble – I can do that in my comfy chair and in bed. I've plenty of paper, markers and pens. When I run out, I can doodle in my Adobe apps.
That and hit the online used bookstores for more escapism.

Tired, tired with nothing, tired with everything, tired with the world’s weight he had never chosen to bear.
~ F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Damned
I love to talk about nothing. It’s the only thing I know anything about.
~ Oscar Wilde

~ Ernest Hemingway, A Clean Well Lighted Place
Big bad word spell it with four letters
Nothing to say, you've got nothing to say
Oh my god, your words are out of balance
Nothing to say,…
~ Soundgarden – Nothing To Say
Pardon me I’ve got nothing to say.
~ George Carlin
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