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Monday, January 16, 2023

 Bad Weather Workouts

It’s been dark, dreary, rainy and blah for days now. This morning I woke up to sleet and snow. Cold and dangerously slippery have now been added to the blah mix. I haven’t had a decent seawall walk since Friday. Sure, I can get a fine workout on my recumbent elliptical. I’m building strength in my glutes, hamstrings and quads but not taxing the fuck out of my knees and back. Yea me.

BUT I still need to walk!
walking provides a substantially better workout than elliptical machines for the hamstrings, calves and small muscles around the ankles, according to biomechanical studies. These muscles are important for balance and, if strong, reduce the risk of falls as people age. (source)
Remember me—the balance nerve-free chiquita? Walking is the primary rehab ex for my badly banjaxed balance. Also, standing up while I fold laundry, paint/sketch, brush my teeth, etc. Long distance
walking (which is wholly relative), for me, is the best though.
Today will be my first real attempt at getting a full rehab workout, strength and balance, indoors. There’ll be no mall walking—that’d necessitate getting down the porch steps to the car. Those same porch steps are now covered in snow and ice and will be all day as the frozen precipitation persists. My healthy fear of falling and breaking my bean will keep me inside.

Ten has made me my favorite—a raspberry, blueberry, spinach pancake—for brekkie. Afterward I’ll shower, dress and start today’s endless rehab exercising. Who knows, maybe this time next year I’ll, once again, be able to safely walk and take pictures on Nantasket or down on our own rocky beach here in Valhalla.

“Let every man shovel out his own snow, and the whole city will be passable," said Gamache. Seeing Beauvoir's puzzled expression he added, "Emerson."

"Lake and Palmer?"

"Ralph and Waldo.”

~ Louise Penny, A Fatal Grace

Wisdom comes with winters.
~ Oscar Wilde

They say that there can never be two snowflakes that are exactly alike, but has anyone checked lately?
Terry Pratchett

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