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Monday, March 6, 2023


A bit of advice, if you’ve enjoyed someone’s post or column, DO NOT DIVE INTO THE COMMENTS SECTION!

I read a post by sci/fi writer David Gerrold on Facebook yesterday. He’d reposted a quote by some jerky boy sportsball player who said, amongst other things, that he disagreed with the “gay lifestyle.” I figured Gerrold, who’s gay, posted it for a just-look-at-this-stupid-git laugh.

What was so funny?

The statement itself was ridiculous and the sportsballer sounded like an imbecile. Saying that being gay is a lifestyle implies that it’s a choice. Is being black, white or brown a choice? No, we’re born this way—same with gay, straight, bi, etc. Is having Neurofibromatosis type 2, like yurs truly, a choice? Sadly no. I was born this way.

Back to my don’t read the comments warning though.  At least two people (both blocked now) got their I’m-more-of-an-intellectual-social-justice-warrior-than-you panties in a painful, self righteous bunch over one person’s comment that the religious whack job ballplayer has the right to express his opinion but, basically, ya fuck around and ya find out.

The self righteous warriors piled on proclaiming that religo/jerky boy is, in fact, NOT free to voice his absurd opinions. Also, the original commenter
was slammed as complicit, evil and somehow a lesser life form. The O.C. responded to each bullshit barrage patiently and diplomatically. The S.J.W brigade was having none of it—they wanted to brawl and, by gum, they were gonna have one whether it made any damn sense or not.

Here in the U.S. we’re First Amendment guaranteed freedom of speech but not freedom from consequences. Mister Sportsasshole is certainly free to give voice to his asinine opinions. Likewise, I’m free to mock and/or ignore him and the Mets were free to trade him (which they did). Also, ball club organists are free to troll the shit out of him.

As for the eat-your-own, dreadfully myopic extreme lefters, they should study some damn history, current events and check out what the Supreme Court looks like now. In attacking those of us who should be considered allies, worthy of civilized discussion versus verbal attack, they’re doing the right wing’s job for them. Divide and conquer. Open your damn eyes, gain some self-awareness, grow a spine, learn some smart tactics and go after the real threats.

I’ll give them a hint for free—I’m not the enemy. The actual opposition is easy to recognize—they’re the ones armed with lies, distractions, distortions and irrational hate. They’re the ones who are trying to legislate us into some fairy tale of the 1950s where white, het men are gods and the rest of us happily bow down and serve them.

Here are examples of the real oppositions' work, from South Carolina alone:

House Bill 3549 is an amendment to the South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023 and would define "person" to include an unborn child at any stage of development. This would ensure that an unborn child who is a "victim of homicide" or "victim of assault" is given the same protections under state laws -- including, up to the death penalty. (source

You're "pro life?" Think abortion is murder? Don't know the difference between a fetus and a child? Boy, have we got a load of horseshit frosted twisted words and fascism for you!

Anti-LGBTQ Youth Policy Bills (S.234H.3197H.3485), which amount to an anti-LGBTQ “wish list” of limits on LGBTQ+ young people and their families, prioritizing the rights of some parents over others. The provisions in these bills would censor curriculum, block students’ freedom to learn, force school staff to “out” LGBTQ+ students to parents, interfere with young people’s access to life-saving medical care, and endanger the livelihood of all South Carolina students. (source)
But sure, stomp all over the folks whose beliefs align most with yours and vote for the grifter who tells you what you want to hear. Don't bother checking their bona fides—that'll just distract you from their pretty words and visions. 

Those of us who don't fit in the white, healthy, het, male and monied box will be just fine...until we're not.

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