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Saturday, December 9, 2023

Spuddling my way through Caturday

I forgot the word ‘cannoli’ yesterday—WTF!

Ten was heading out on a grocery and pharmacy run—I wanted to tell him to pick up some mini cannoli from Saint Fratelli’s but could NOT bring the name of this heavenly pastry to mind. I could remember the names Neapolitan, pizzelle, tiramisu but NOT cannoli. Those weren't what I was craving though. I tried describing what I needed:

  • Like a taco only totally rolled up and filled with sugary cream goodness.
  • Like a Bavarian cream doughnut but rectangular and the outside is crispy and covered in powdered sugar…maybe.
  • Like a pierogi only…okay, totally not at all like a pierogi.

Luckily he knew what I meant. Tragically, the bakery had run out. Now I’m wondering if my inability to immediately come up with the word cannoli means that I’m coming down with Alzheimer’s. Possibly this was a simple brain fart? OR it’s my brain’s sneaky and dastardly way of keeping me on a healthy diet? Not remembering the name of the treat means I can't add the sugary calories to my waistline. My brain's an asshole.

Word of the day:
1: to work feebly or ineffectively, because your mind is elsewhere or you haven't quite woken up yet.
2: To be extremely busy whilst achieving absolutely nothing

Regarding rehab exercising, I need to put forth significantly more effort if I want to attain spuddling levels of exertion.

Not quite sure I’ve used the word correctly but you get my drift. Yes? I’m a lethargic sloth today…dammit. Skitter and Cake are more energetic than me.

 Also, Happy Caturday!

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