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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Waiting Room Thoughts

So, Ten and I were at MGH yesterday for one of my periodic check-ins with Doc Plotkin’s nurse practitioner. I was stunned to see VERY few people wearing masks. We’re in the midst of another bloody, fucking COVID surge. We’re in a goddamn hospital. There are a lot of sick people here. Specifically, Ten and I were sitting in the Pappas Center for Neuro-Oncology—you know, the brain tumor department. It’s kind of serious shit and yet, there was just one other couple masked up. What the disease riddled fuck?!

I only mention it but thanks to Cheeto, his dipshit cult, the usual anti-vaxxers and other empathy devoid dolts, we’re in the midst of yet another COVID surge. Thanks to all of them, we’re never gonna be free of Trump’s Disease. But HEY, let’s not inconvenience the public in any way by requiring them to wear masks IN A HOSPITAL WHERE THERE ARE OODLES OF SICK PEOPLE!

While I was steaming in the waiting room, I managed to distract myself by scrolling around on social media. Have you noticed? People just LURV to argue. Way too many unbalanced idiots go miles out of their way to, seemingly purposely, misinterpret things that are said.

One mega argument I ran across was about a woman throwing a dinner party. On the invitation, she specifically called out one ‘friend,’ who’s a vegetarian (NOT vegan or possessing any other food restrictions), telling her to bring her own food. WHAT???! You’re throwing a dinner party but, unless you’re a carnivore, it’s BYOFood? 

What's the menu?

Appetizers—chicken wings, Swedish meatballs and Philly cheesesteak egg rolls?
Main course—raw steak, Green Eggs and Ham sushi with bunny intestine wrapped asparagus?
Dessert—Bacon infused chocolate chip cookies, chicken breast pudding and foie gras ice cream?

Here, have some helpful hosting hints from me—a person with slightly better social skills than this banjax brained 'host.'

  • If you’re having a carnivore orgy, don’t invite a vegetarian.
  • If you're hosting a dinner party, find out if the folks you've invited have any dietary restrictions. It's considered bad form to poison your guests.
  • Be a good host by making sure that there are a few things which your guests can actually consume. Making pasta? It’s a simple matter to have meatballs or sausage on the side (or have a separate meatless pot of sauce simmering on another burner). Making steak? Have a few meatless sides like potatoes, asparagus, squash, etc. Simple. SEE?

Lastly, avoid showing your whole ass by announcing on the invitation that you’re a social incompetent or flat out rude human. By publicly stating that you’ve no intention of being gracious and accommodating to one specific invitee you've demonstrated that you've hit peak crass idiocy and probably vote a straight Republi/Fascist ticket.
You know when you buy a bag of salad, it inevitably gets all slimy, soggy and brown?

Cookies don’t do that. Just FYI.
A couple, near Ten and I in the waiting room, were wearing jackets of the same color—a vibrant shade of orangy deep rose. It was adorable and sweet.

Ten and I are adorable too but not color coordinated outfit adorable. No one’s really cute enough to pull that off. Not even Taylor Swift and her footballer boyfriend. Still, when I see couples dressed like twins, I smile. The matchy-matchy business speaks of deep affection.

Okay, I also cringe a little when I see folks like this.
How’d my check-in go? Reasonably well. Christina’s going to schedule a meeting with my bean surgeon so I can find out about all the potential side effects of the prefrontal lobe tumor excavation. There’s no set surgery date as yet. Christina and Doc Plotkin will review my status and possibly move all my MRIs and such up from May to…dunno…maybe next month. 

Big fun!

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