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Monday, August 5, 2024

Books and Crazy

I finished the last book I got from the library. It was a memoir by Augusten Burroughs older brother—Look Me In The Eye by John Elder Robison. He has Asperger's Syndrome and writes about tackling a difficult childhood and life in general as an undiagnosed Aspergian. 

It was fascinating—well worth the read. What to read next though? I’m interested in rereading Running With Scissors but, incredibly, the library doesn’t have a copy. I mean, it was on the NY Times bestseller list for 70 weeks. I’m stunned that both my local and the Boston libraries don’t have it.

In order to keep myself from doomscrolling, I need another good escapist read NOW. There are only so many weird, hilarious but deeply sad and disturbing stories involving RFK Junior that I can read.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has posted a video on social media in which he admits that he dumped a dead bear cub in New York City's Central Park in 2014.
Mr Kennedy said a woman had hit and killed the bear with her car when he was driving behind her outside of the city, and he put it in his van with the intention of skinning the animal and harvesting its meat.
It appears he shared the anecdote to get ahead of an upcoming story in The New Yorker magazine.
In early July it came out that he’d eaten a dog. NOW he tells us he was planning to eat a bear cub? What won’t this guy eat? 

Also, I don’t believe Bobby Junior’s a reliable source for truth (I know, I know—gee duh REALLY!). How do we know that it was some random woman, and not RFK Jr himself, who ran over the bear cub and killed it? Did he see this random woman get out of her car to check on the poor cub? Did he get her license plate number? Why should/would I believe him?

Once he decided he wasn’t going to have Baby Bear for dinner after all, WHY didn’t he call Animal Control? Why stage an absurd scene in Central Park that would undoubtedly shock and horrify the person who discovered it? FFS, a bear cub is killed by someone riding a bicycle (and the person leaves their bike at the scene)? That’s just not plausible.

Imagine what this wackaloon, with his penchant for dodging responsible adult behavior, would be like as president. Would he “accidentally” unleash nukes on Russia and later claim that he’d been planning to “harvest” the meat from the dead Russian citizens?

Why is he, seemingly, always on the lookout for roadkill to eat? Is he desperately hungry and doesn't have the bucks for a burger at McDonald's? Maybe he's a zombie in disguise?

Back to books though—I couldn’t find any sufficiently distractifying reads available via Libby, (the library app), so I broke down and bought an ebook copy of John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War. Even after multiple rereadings, my paperback is still in decent shape BUT the type is now too damn small for my weary, old eyes. It's become clear to me that this is my emotional support book and I need to always have it at hand. I read it whenever I’m in deep need of soothing reality evasion and those days are way more frequent now.

Question: who’s more mentally unbalanced and dangerous—Junior or Cheato? I think it’s a toss up. They’re both seriously nuts and total hazards. Both need to be committed to a loony bin and never allowed out.

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