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Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday *sigh*

 I’m weary as fuck (as is Cake) from all the gaslighting. Even NPR and the BBC have joined the both-sides, reality free, we’re-gonna-make-this-a-horse-race-even-if-it-kills-the-country bandwagon.  

the Times is having a big sad right now because Donny is a self-inflicted fuck-up factory who is incapable of magically becoming the human being that the press keeps promising he will be, any day now. (source

Dimwit Donny bankrupted six businesses and is now torpedoing his attempt to stay out of jail third run for the highest office in the land. He can only be himself though—a malignant narcissist who never emotionally matured out of the terrible twos. Also, he’s old, tired and overwhelmed by his efforts to outrun his conviction on 34 felony counts. Ya know, that’d wear me clean out too and I’m not nearly as old and delicate.

But sure, mainstream media, keep fucking that horse race chicken. Keep pretending that this ridiculously absurd, cretinous, malevolent, felonious fraud is a serious candidate.

In other news, Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has made an appearance here in Eastern Massachusetts. GREAT. Bad enough that COVID’S spiking and I’m overdue for a new vaccine. (I also haven’t had a shingles vaccine) Now we have to worry about death dealing mosquitos? NOT FAIR! 

Also, Iceland’s still erupting.

last night (August 22nd, 2024), the ninth eruption on Reykjanes Peninsula started since 2021. This is the sixth eruption on the Sundhnúkagígaröðin fissure that has erupted with short breaks since December 2023. (source)
The post notes that Iceland is safe to visit. The airport is open and lava is not heading towards Grindavík (near where I usually stay). I’d love to go BUT I understand that air travel to anywhere is more uncomfortable, annoyance filled, cramped and risky than ever. 
I don’t like this timeline anymore.


  1. You don't want shingles, get the shot!

    1. I will, I will. First comes the new COVID shot.
