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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Trojan Clown

The Procession of the Trojan Horse in Troy
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo

He’s not a Trojan Horse. Nope. Horses are majestic and dignified. Trump is a Trojan Clown though I don’t think he’s self-aware enough to see that. His sole purpose is to distract the masses from Project 2025 and the corporate overlords actual, real candidate—the women hating, bigotry inflaming, lying ass, heinous hypocrite—J.D. Couchfucker. IF Trump “wins,” Vance and Mike Porn-Boy Johnson will Amendment 25 his ass seconds after he’s sworn in.

Do you want Vance as president? Remember, this is the sentient shit-stack who:

* Knowingly slandered and lied that LEGAL Haitian immigrants were killing and eating little Fluffy and Spot. When called out on his life endangering lie, the ratfucker doubled down. When confronted with the fact that he totally KNEW his story was horseshit, he proudly said

“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do” (source)
* He’s referred to the children he reportedly fathered as his wife’s children—as though he had nothing to do with their creation. Maybe he didn’t.
She's got three kids.
* His feels older women (such as yurs truly) have no reason to exist beyond taking care of grandchildren. 

* Vance has vilified women who have chosen to not have kids or are unable to give birth, saying that the U.S. was being run by:

a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”  (source)
His only regret about that utterly tiny-brained, ridiculous slam? That people took his childless cat lady comments ‘the wrong way.’ (FYI, there’s only one way to take that misogynistic pool of tiny dicked nonsense)  

Hi, my name is Donna and I’m a very happy childless cat lady! Also, Mr. Yale Law grad, it’s not a smart campaign tactic to insult such a vast swath of registered voters. Just a little free tip for ya, kid.

* The man without a uterus, who will never risk death from a pregnancy gone wrong, believes abortion is never okay.

…when he was asked in an interview whether laws should allow people to get abortions if they were victims of rape or incest, he said that society shouldn’t view a pregnancy or birth resulting from rape or incest as “inconvenient.” (source)

Apparently, a 10 year old who's been raped and impregnated by a family member, a youth pastor or a cop is just an inconvenience. Clown Jr supports a full on country wide abortion ban.

* In 2020 he believed climate change was real and was a solar power advocate. In 2022? Eh…not so much. Coincidentally, ‘22 was the year he ran for the Senate. I wonder who paid him off to change his tune.

The flip flopper has worked to repeal federal tax credits for electric vehicles and he’s called the Inflation Reduction Act “dumb.” Brilliant, eloquently stated take, asshole. Your public speaking skills are right up there with JFK, Obama and Martin Luther King.

Vance started an utterly wackaloon conspiracy theory that Biden somehow weaponized border policy against Trump supporters so they’d all die of fentanyl overdoses. 
 “If you wanted to kill a bunch of MAGA voters in the middle of the heartland, how better to target them and their kids with this fentanyl … It does look intentional. It’s like Biden wants to punish people who didn’t vote for him.” (source)
A) MAGAts are all fentanyl addicts? Do they know this?
B) Is the very weird furniture fornicator trying to out crazy Marge Greene? That’s a steep hill to climb, buddy. Best of luck.

He’s called Indigenous Peoples’ Day  a “fake holiday,” and, of course, went on to tout the tired old bullshit of Columbus “discovering” America.

I’m sure Vance has said and done many more stupid, repulsive and abominable things. The above mentioned items are more than enough to disqualify him from office though. Hell’s bells, being the lone janitor on the overnight shift at a slaughterhouse is above his human interaction abilities.

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