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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Going Home

We'll fly home later today so, naturally, THIS song is playing on my old internal jukebox.

On the way to the airport we'll stop at the Blue Lagoon. Yep, possibly the height of tourism but how could we resist? Honestly.

Our supposedly easy Golden Circle tour yesterday, so chill that even geriatric slugs would have no trouble keeping up? Emmmm, a tad more challenging. But why? Warum? Were we not in a mini bus? Oh yeah, yeah. Sure, sure. When we stepped out of that mini bus though we were met with frigid gale force winds, (HEY, that's exactly how it felt!), and there were little walks to be taken if we had a mind to. You KNOW I can't resist a nice walk and don't have the sense Kali gave a squid.

By the time we got to Thingvellir where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet for a nice pint and tussle over who's better Manchester United or Arsenal, I was exhausted from trying to stay upright in the pummelling 'breeze.'  The tour guide announced that, if we'd like, we could take a 20 minute walk through the crevasses of crazy rocks and cliffs and up a relatively small incline to the tourist shop and multi media center. He'd meet us there. Cool, cool.

Jen and I hopped out of the van and started walking over a wee bridge. The wind off the water, for the thousandth time that day, nearly toppled me. I was clinging to the bridge railing when Jen suggested that perhaps we should ride in the van versus taking the walk. Shockingly I agreed. We got back to the car park and find the van had already vamoosed.

Sigh. I rewrapped the scarf around my head, did a quick deep knee bend, exclaimed dramatically that I wasn't sure I'd make it and off we went.

It was GORGEOUS, scary, wild, powerful, incredible and a whole bunch of other adjectives like that. So yeah, I'm very happy the bus split before I could get all sensible and shit.

Two big take aways from this vaca:
1) Where has Iceland been all my life? This place is amazing! I'm SO in love!
2) The earth, this planet is alive.

Time to go do the puzzle box pack on my old rucksack. The Amazing Bob told me I could bring home a sheep or two. You know, Coco, Rocco and Gaston could use some new friends.

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