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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Disruption Junction

Doonesbury, my most favorite comic strip, has been in ‘Flashback’ (AKA reruns) mode for over a month now. Tbogg, the only blog my tender psyche can abide reading every day, has just announced  that he’s getting out of the blogging game.

My morning routine is to make coffee (after feeding our herd of cat) and, through bleary eyes, read my email, play a few rounds of Words with Friends, read Doonesbury and see what biting and hilarious mocking Tbogg’s been up to.

Christ, what the hell do I do now? My tradition’s been shattered!

OK, OK already. I’m being a touch over the top here. Still, I need ways to gently, VERY gently, enter into the good day. A fair part of that is done by indulging in the snark-a-rific humor of Messrs. Bogg and Trudeau. I feel less alone in my snarlingly pragmatic left wing-ism. These guys have been standard bearers for the cause of intelligent, incisive humor and sanity in a world full of barmy and deranged Limbaughs, Becks and Breitbarts.

I know, I know, I can start my day with the tremendous Charles P. Pierce and the equally magnificent Roy Edroso.

Mr. Pierce on Marco Rubio (more at the link)
It has been amusing to watch Marco Rubio, The Future Of The Rebranded GOP, try to struggle free of the shrink wrap while half his party flings poo at him. He was going to be the guy who led his party out of its increasingly tiny, and largely melanin-free, wilderness. He was the party's voice of reason on Immigration Reform. Christ above, did he back the wrong horse. He discovered to his horror that his party likes being in the wilderness. You can eat with your fingers, run around shoeless, and pee behind trees. By the time he figured all of this out, the party had found Ted Cruz, who is completely nuts, but who is as Cuban as Rubio. Right now, Marco Rubio looks as relevant to Republican politics going forward as Robert Taft does.
Mr. Edroso on the mentally bizarre, reality resistant, steaming mountain of hippo shit that is the right wing objection to giving the poors a hand, a very small leg up (more at the link):
Trickle-down is not just for conservative economists; it is also the mechanism of action for wingnut memes. Take lazy-food-stamp-bum messaging: It starts with Republican congressmen, seeps down to Bill O'Reilly, and eventually it gets to Greg Gutfeld.
This is a question that never needed to be asked but must be asked now: if you can get by without working, why work at all?
It is a question rich layabouts would ask themselves sunning on their daddy's yacht, sipping blender drinks and pawing eastern European pole dancers. But now just about anyone, of any color or stripe, with access to unemployment benefits, welfare, or food stamps can ask themselves that question too.
Yeah, you can live large on fifty bucks worth of food stamps a week. (The welfare check would of course all go to the pool boy and valet.) Sign me up for that life o' leisure!
Gutfeld's against a living wage, too -- because it's demeaning to the worker, who never gets to experience the feeling of achievement in moving up and out of a minimum-wage, hard-labor job:

So yeah, I’m not alone. There is still wise, well informed snark to be had.

But no Basset blogging.

As for my comic strip needs -- there MUST be other gifted artists like Trudeau. There’s simply GOT to be. Who are they? Where are they?

Trudeau’s got to come off this summer vaca at some point. Dammit.

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