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Monday, January 11, 2016

Birthday Suprise

My most amazing, handsome man. AKA TAB
Yesterday was The most Amazing Bob’s birthday. Yes, the love of my life, my fabulously handsome man, hung one more year on the line. He's almost two years older than KEEF but, mein Gott, he looks younger and is scads more stunning. Oh yeah and he's mine ALL mine!

We celebrated, as always, with Jen and Oni. They whipped up a tremendous meal of baked cod, some sort of noodle casserole that TAB loves, salad, roast chicken and some mysterious greenery. I walked into their kitchen, instantly bowled over by the sumptuous scent emanating from the stove top.

I had to know—what brill artistry is Oni crafting here? Jen, Hu-YUGE smile on her face, says Brussels Sprouts. See, you like the smell. You have to try one!

Ah geez. This can't end well, can it?

I’ve recounted that wretched childhood memory of being forced to eat them at supper one night. This despite the horrific this-has-got-to-be-poison-and-you’re-clearly-trying-to-kill-me smell. Muti and Vati never forced me to eat those dastardly, offending veggies after my final Exorcist-y performance.

So then, there I was last night, in front of this steaming pan of ambrosia fragranced greens with Jen cajoling, nagging and daring me to try JUST ONE. What could I do? Fearful and absolutely certain that I’d hork it up just as I, very embarrassingly, did all those years ago, I ate one.

Christ on a bed of spiced Couscous, it was aMAZing! Yeah, I went back and got six more of those little babies. No, I don’t know what Oni did to make them so incredible. Obvs he didn’t boil the shit outta them though.

This reminds me of, years past, when I was over at my pal Lily’s. Her husband was grilling asparagus. I’d had similar-ish traumatic memories of them and wasn’t keen on repeating my youthful gag and heave performance. What could I do? I was their guest and didn’t want to seem like an idiot spoiled brat so I tried one and, astonishingly, fell totally, completely, head over heels in love. Grilled asparagus is like popcorn for me now. Better than!

Possibly asparagus is another veg that my mother boiled to death before serving.

In any case, we finished with a big frosting covered birthday cake from Saint Fratellis’. This wonderful meal—complete with food discovery and CAKE—was a perfect way to spark up a dark, bleak, blustery, rain drenched mid winter day.

Yes, yes, I do thank TAB each year for being so thoughtful as to brighten up the post holiday gloom with his birthday. He's so considerate and caring like that.

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