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Monday, June 18, 2018

O Canada

Here’s a GREAT idea:
Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said Tuesday that she is open to using a law normally reserved for leaders responsible for human rights violations to impose retaliatory sanctions on the Trump Administration. Those sanctions would target the administration itself rather than the American people. (source)
AWESOMENESS! How would that work? Does Canada have a Magnitsky Act? That’s the law that Kremlin informant Natalia Veselnitskaya was hoping to get a little hot quid pro quo action on when she met with met with Dimwit Jr., Jerkwad Jared and Manafort (or as he's now known, Inmate #45343).

Originally the Magnitsky law blocked 18 Russian officials, believed responsible for heinous human rights bullshit (ya know, torture, murder and such like), from entering the U.S. It also froze their bank assets here AND ixnayed their future use of U.S. banks. The law hit the high rollers where they lived – in their wallets. YES!
Since December 2012 when Obama got this baby done, the law’s been expanded to include 44 other disgusting, theoretical humans.

So, given Trump’s habits of excusing terrorists (long as they’re white, of course), getting all cozy with dictators and ripping children away from their parents and then sticking the kids in cages – yeah, he totally qualifies. He should be banned from Canada (and all other civilized nations) and have his damn assets frozen. At the very least.

Republican Senator Collins' state of Maine borders Quebec and beautiful New Brunswick but this mythologically moderate congresscritter should be banned from entering as well.
Collins doubled down during an appearance Sunday on CBS’ Face the Nation. Although she acknowledged that family separation is “traumatizing,” Collins declined to support a bipartisan effort to end the cruel practice and even suggested that Trump’s border wall be included in any immigration solution (source)
Gratuitous Dawn Pic
Gosh, she allowed that tearing kids away from their parents is “traumatizing.” Mighty white of her, huh? In Trump's Republican party there are NO moderates. No compassion, common sense or sanity either.

Cheryl Rofer over at Balloon Juice has a post up with links to orgs that are helping, things we can do (in addition to being steaming mad and losing sleep), places to volunteer and/or send money to and more. She also notes there’ll be a “welcoming committee” in Philly on Tuesday for Vice Prez Dense. He'll be there for a GOP fundraiser at the Rittenhouse Hotel.

Amanda Arnold over at The Cut also has a list of things to do as does Chris Edelson over at the Baltimore Sun.

Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), Joe Kennedy, III (D-MA), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) amongst others, spent Father’s Day marching, protesting and pushing for access to Trump’s concentration camps. GOOD!

Where were the fellas with Rs after their names? Ted Cruz (R-Starfucker) was shooting hoops with Jimmy Kimmel. Paul Ryan (R-I-got-mine-screw-you) was sending tone deaf tweets. The rest of those craven, money grubbing, constituent betraying, rat bastards? //shrugs// Laying low I guess.

Or, more likely, they were out stealing lollipops from grade schoolers and trying to think of new ways to fuck over us peasants. Yup – the uszh.


  1. Replies
    1. You’re up early OR haven’t been to bed yet. Me? Couldn’t sleep a wink so spent the night ranting đŸ˜‘

  2. Those sanctions would target the administration itself rather than the American people.

    I LOVE IT! I can only imagine how trump's head would explode over sanctions targeted at him.

    1. A la Scanners? Man, I'd pay big money to watch that.

  3. They'd need to target Trump's business interests. I doubt he uses Canadian banks, and being banned from traveling to Canada won't impress him at all.

    Most of the sanctions imposed by other countries on the US are targeting red states and industries centered in districts represented in Congress by important Republicans. I'm OK with that. The other countries know where the problem is coming from. It's the Trumpanzees who need to feel some effects from their bad electoral choices -- which will hopefully sink in by this November.

    I didn't know Monofart is 69. What an idiot. He's rich and could have had an easy life in the time he has left. Instead he got involved in all this illegal crap and will probably end up spending his last years in prison.

    1. "Monofart" HAH, THANK YOU!

      Yes, 45 banned from Canada won't be a hardship. BUT, as of 2016 there were 2 Trump Towers (in Vancouver and Toronto) – something could be frozen about that :-)

      VERY happy to hear that the people responsible for electing that incompetant piece of bigoted idiocy will be the ones feeling the brunt/the sanctions. I'm back to being a little nrevous about travelling abroad. It's silly. I remember being in some Amsterdam coffeehouse during the Bush Jr. years. A couple very polite folk, on hearing me speak, asked what I thought of him. Naturally, I went a bit skyrockets and swears. We got on grandly :-)
