What the current White House occupant, you know, our Smelly Orange Dumpster Fire in Chief, AKA Mister
Unindicted Co-conspirator, along with F
ailin' Palin, and the
Create Your Own Reality Bush admin, succeeded in doing is mainstreaming and
weaponizing magical thinking. They've made it AOK to wallow in, believe and act on the absolute paranoia,the most whackadoodle brained
delusional thinking and utter fantacism which miscreantic shitheeled girfters like
Fox Faux News and
Dinesh D’Souza propagate.

Now, more than ever, this is the Republican voter brain norm. They all seem to suffer from
schizotypal personality disorder or any number of other
mental illnesses. Seriously, if you're
not white, wealthy, heterosexual, male and devoid of humanity
AND you're voting for GOP candidates, you really
do need to have your head examined – invest in some serious shrinky-dink time. You owe it to yourselve and any loved ones you might still have.
There's a full on, molto disturbing, shunning of reality going on and it's freakin' me out, mon ami.

The Republican Party’s slogan
really ought to be:
Paranoid Derangement for All! OK, that’s just the one they’d push to the proles. Amongst their own rich white selves they’d go with a variation on their original tag:
Free labor, free land, free men as in We’ll Make Slavery Great Again!
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.
~ Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow
The reality rockin’ brill blogger
Shower Cap has a scorecard up for the upcoming midterm elections –
Shower Cap’s Action Guide for the Goddamn Midterms. He has pics and descriptions of all the players in all the races.
Poke around a bit, meet the awesome slate of candidates we’re fielding to take Congress back from the collaborating rat finks of the GOP. They’re a good crew; help ‘em out however you’re able. Donate. Phone bank. Volunteer. Spread the word.
I only mention it BUT, I checked the polls – here in mostly Blue Blue Massachusetts we have, incredibly, a Republican governor and, horrifying to me, he's WAY ahead in the polls. Just FYI,
Charlie Baker may not be heinous (
for a Republican) but
he is NO friend of humanity.
Jay Gonzalez or Bob Massie, whoever wins the September primary, will face Baker in November. I have mondo amounts of faith that either one would be MUCH better.
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