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Saturday, October 27, 2018

There Really IS Some Good News

We're drowning in oceans of trash AS ARE the actual residents of said oceans. We humans are driving ourselves, as well as an increasingly large number of other earth inhabitants, to extinction at a ridiculously alarming pace.

Fer instance there’s the media dubbed Great Pacific Garbage Patch, estimated to contain about 80,000 metric tons of garbage spanning 5.2 billion square feet (nearly a million square miles).
24 year old Boyan Slat, a Dutch inventor, entrepreneur and Aerospace Engineering student drop-out founded the organization The Ocean Cleanup when he was 18 years of age.

Me at 18? I was busy complaining about my Music Theory/Solfeggio classes and wondering if, mebbe, despite my stone love for all things musical, I should cross the street and be an art major. helping to save the planet.
The Ocean Cleanup is a nonprofit organization that’s working to clean up our oceans by removing plastic. After five years of rigorous design and testing, the Cleanup’s cleaning apparatus, called System 001, has been deployed off the coast of California. (source)
SO, this brilliant Dutch kid is helping to clean up the planet. What am I doing? Emmm, recycling all my plastic containers, paper and cat food tins, using sugarcane and bamboo toilet paper (we wimmins use a LOT of that stuff, in case you didn’t know), I switched to metal, reusable straws – I NEED straws due to nerve damage and shit. Without one, half the contents of my coffee mug winds up on my shirt front. Also too, I flush only after every third whizz (but after every single poop. TMI? Oh c’MON – this blog could be molto accurately named Donna’s Daily TMI). I'm not doing nothing but...

There’s also Sahil Doshi, from Pittsburgh, the 15 year old kid who created an eco-friendly battery. Pollucell captures and utilizes carbon dioxide AND discarded crap (tin cans and such) to generate electricity. His battery has the potential to lower greenhouse gases and minimize waste.

Nikita Rafikov of Evans, Georgia, is 11. ELEVEN!!! He’s developed a way to embed GFP, (green florescent protein), into windows – it’s a way to light homes without using electricity. WOW!!!
The GFP protein, which is found in some species of jellyfish, could potentially provide a new natural lighting solution for homes as it would cause materials it was used in to glow from within. (source)
My lovely visitor possum, Estelle.
 Deepika Kurup from Nashua, New Hampshire, developed a solar-powered water purification system. when she was 14 years old! She was inspired to create, to invent, to help after she saw children in India drinking dirty water.

Ann Makosinski, of Victoria, Canada, was 15 when she created a flashlight powered by body heat (!!!). A friend in the Philippines had confessed to doing poorly in school because her home lacked reliable electricity – without light she was unable to study at night.

Compassion, for these awesome young people, is the mother of invention

Kids – from the brave and inspiring Parkland Survivors, to these brill and caring science/inventor types – they will save us from the blindingly stupid, greedheaded, fecal brained, bomb throwing, tiny dicked asswipes who are using this planet and its residents – humans as well as our fellow furry, feathered and scaled chums – as though we’re nothing more than disposable utensils.

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