This happens every year – the damn time changes and, on the first night, I fall asleep at 6:30 (invariably!!!), wake at midnight and, boyhowdy, that’s it for me. I only mention it BUT, with regards to sleep loss and being awake at stupid o’clock, I don’t need any help from some imbecilic, outdated, asshole construct.
Fer instance, on Saturday, after our brill visit with Poppy, Jen and I were motoring back to Pittsburgh Airport for the evening flight home to Valhalla. We hit INSANE traffic – a two hour (MAX) drive, took three and a half hours. This was some totally unexpected, serious Boston style nasty-ass traffic. STRESS! We missed our flight, of course. JetBlue kindly, wonderfully got us on the very first flight out the next, EARLY morning.
Between the banjaxed, nail biter drive to the airport, the brilliant but, mega tense in the lead up, visit with Daddy, the damn news (with Preznint Radical White Nationalist, Nazi-Wannabe, Nothing-Is-EVER-My-Fault fanning the scorching flames of haterific violence, killings and chaos) and the wickedly early flight time, I couldn’t get to sleep at all that night.
This sleepless horseshit – it's annoying as all hell and, I only mention it but, BORED NOW!.
Jen, on the other hand IS sleeping BUT her cot-time movieolas are molto sinister. Last night's horror show was a post election dystopia. We (her, Oni, The Amazing Bob and I) were being hunted down because we did NOT vote Republican.
Fer instance, on Saturday, after our brill visit with Poppy, Jen and I were motoring back to Pittsburgh Airport for the evening flight home to Valhalla. We hit INSANE traffic – a two hour (MAX) drive, took three and a half hours. This was some totally unexpected, serious Boston style nasty-ass traffic. STRESS! We missed our flight, of course. JetBlue kindly, wonderfully got us on the very first flight out the next, EARLY morning.
Between the banjaxed, nail biter drive to the airport, the brilliant but, mega tense in the lead up, visit with Daddy, the damn news (with Preznint Radical White Nationalist, Nazi-Wannabe, Nothing-Is-EVER-My-Fault fanning the scorching flames of haterific violence, killings and chaos) and the wickedly early flight time, I couldn’t get to sleep at all that night.

Jen, on the other hand IS sleeping BUT her cot-time movieolas are molto sinister. Last night's horror show was a post election dystopia. We (her, Oni, The Amazing Bob and I) were being hunted down because we did NOT vote Republican.
When one with honeyed words but evil mind persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.Honey does NOT come to mind when I read Trump, Cruz or any other Fascist/Republican's words but there are a great many feeble-beaned halfwits who do see their diseased diarrheal spewings as such. Sucker born every minute and all that.
~ Euripides
Every election is determined by the people who show up.Will enough of us, (the white hats FYI), show up AND will the Republican/Fascist fixers, swindlers and frauds let us vote, count the votes AND let the results stand?
~ Larry J. Sabato, Pendulum Swing
The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
~ Abraham Lincoln
There's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter.Here's hoping! Anyone wanna lay odds on me getting a wink 'o' sleep tonight?, don't take the bait – that's a sucker's bet. .
~ Barack Obama
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