I start most mornings by reading the news. This morning, I can’t even look at Shower Cap – the man who delivers the horror with humor. The Tangelo Twat’s radical instability goes farther through the roof NOT by the day but, now, by the hour.
His job performance is based solely on who’s sucked his emotional mushroom winkle prettily enough, who’s shown him adequately obsequious amounts of fealty and, oh god help us, who’s hurt his ultra delicate fee-fees that day. And, oh yeah, the racist and dead-toad-brained Fox talking idiots opinions are more important than those of, ya know, actual experts on any given issue.
Because of a skinny-ass, vicious harridan and her fat sex touristing partner in hate– because they shamed our pathetic prez for not being enough of a rancorous, dictatorial, slimy and vile human, the government has been shut down.
Did you know? Good ol’ Shrub already had 650 miles of border fence put up. He had quite the battle seeing as how private individuals, NOT the government, actually OWN a good portion of this land.
Oh but now he says he needs just five bill? That wouldn’t even cover the construction of HALF the wall and certainly not the needed maintenance and the staff needed to patrol.
Also too, has the Bigoted Bullshit Artist in Chief NOT learned any damn lessons from that little wall debacle in Germany? No, don’t answer – I know. Flea Brain Boy learns nothing. He’s incapable of grasping even the simplest of concepts.
January 3rd just can’t come soon enough for yurs truly .
His job performance is based solely on who’s sucked his emotional mushroom winkle prettily enough, who’s shown him adequately obsequious amounts of fealty and, oh god help us, who’s hurt his ultra delicate fee-fees that day. And, oh yeah, the racist and dead-toad-brained Fox talking idiots opinions are more important than those of, ya know, actual experts on any given issue.
Because of a skinny-ass, vicious harridan and her fat sex touristing partner in hate– because they shamed our pathetic prez for not being enough of a rancorous, dictatorial, slimy and vile human, the government has been shut down.
More than 420,000 federal employees across numerous agencies will continue to work even as the government shuts down. They just won't get paid for it immediately.So, the folks who Insane Emo Tween Brain LURVS most (apart from Putin, Mohammed bin Salman, Rodrigo Duterte, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, etc.) ain’t gonna get paid because he’s having a hissy fit over his magic, imaginary wall.
As many as 54,000 employees from Customs and Border Protection — the agents who are currently working to secure the southern U.S. border — were also projected to work without paychecks. By forcing a shutdown over border security, Trump was expected to cause the agents he often lauds for their efforts to stop illegal immigration to temporarily go without compensation. (source)

The Bush administration bullied property owners, threatening to sue them if they did not “voluntarily” hand over the rights to their land. It offered no compensation for doing so. Thinking that they had no recourse, some people signed off, but others refused. The government then attempted to use eminent domain, a procedure Trump has long defended, to seize their property, but the lawsuits imposed serious delays-seven years in one case.(source)Because W was in Lawsuit City, most of his fence is built on federally owned land. What’s left is privately owned but that’s not stopping Fat Hitler from pushing for his “artistically designed” obscenity.
...during the election campaign candidate Trump claimed that the wall would cost only $12 billion, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) internal report in February put the cost at $21.6 billion, but that may be a major underestimate. (source)

Also too, has the Bigoted Bullshit Artist in Chief NOT learned any damn lessons from that little wall debacle in Germany? No, don’t answer – I know. Flea Brain Boy learns nothing. He’s incapable of grasping even the simplest of concepts.
January 3rd just can’t come soon enough for yurs truly .
By forcing a shutdown over border security, Trump was expected to cause the agents he often lauds for their efforts to stop illegal immigration to temporarily go without compensation.
ReplyDeleteIt would serve him right if they all quit en masse. A lot of people would do that if they were expected to work without pay, especially when unemployment is low.
Congress, of course, still gets paid during shutdowns.
The VERY first people who should go without pay are the politicians who forced the shutdown--house, senate and president. Given that they're all wealthy as fuck, I'm sure it wouldn't effect them...much. I'd think it'd make them a little less cavalier about it all though.
DeleteAnd yeah, I think the folks going without pay should all just say 'fuck you' and walk out.
I was watching the "news" the other day, and somebody mentioned that the President doesn't appear to consider the long-term repercussions of his actions. It occurred to me that he seems to largely just consider the tweets he's going to read when he gets back on his phone - that's his gauge on what he's done and going to do. Angry anonymous internet trolls. You can tell by how quickly he reverses himself every time he does something I consider not crazy. It's a little disheartening...
ReplyDeleteTruth! He's got all the forward thinking, the consideration of possible/probable ramifications of a two year old (and a mentally challenged one at that).