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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

My New Hero

I've been fighting to recover from major back surgery since the evening of November 13th. I should be doing GREAT now. I would be too if not for this asshole cold. I'm now in my fourth day of hacking coughs, stuffed up OR running nose and basically feeling like lukewarm, weak-ass flotsam.

Not cool. Not cool at all. Also too – bored now!

Ah, but the morning reports have brought me glorious news of incoming House Majority Leader, Nancy you-WILL-lose-if-you-try-to-fuck-with-me, Pelosi. In their meeting yesterday, she was having none of Preznint Weasel-brain’s hilarious-if-only-he-was-joking bullshit mansplaining.

...when Mr. Trump tried to undercut her by suggesting she was “in a situation where it’s not easy for her to talk right now,” Ms. Pelosi fired back. “Mr. President,” she said, “please don’t characterize the strength that I bring to this meeting as the leader of the House Democrats, who just won a big victory.” (source)
Take THAT you pathetic, pussy-grabbing (since the only other way he can get any is by paying for it), dimbulbed, vainglorious ninny-hammer.

She also called him out, at least twice on his lies:
"We need an evidence-based discussion with facts." 
"We've taken this to a place that is, frankly, devoid of fact.” (source) 
Another score from my new hero:
Pelosi added in the caucus meeting that she was pretty happy they got President Word Vomit to admit that if the government shuts down, it's his damn fault. That was pretty funny, and it'll be great footage for political ads. (source)
No, she didn’t call him President Word Vomit though it IS spectacularly appropriate. Now, I’m guessing Preznint Midget Dick-Mommy Issues won’t actually shut the government down in a hissy fit over not being able to get U.S. citizens to foot the bill (versus the originally promised Mexican government) for his precious wall (AKA testament to his purely theoretical manhood). He’ll act all faux magnanimous yet "firm" OR he’ll just direct the military to begin bombing asylum seekers on our Southern border.

You KNOW he fap, fap, faps away at the idea of killing people of color. Rather, he goes fapatronic crazoid with the fantasy of directing one of his sycophants (and he wrongly believes the armed forces are his biggest fans) to do this – ya know, wave a magic wand, say the magic words and brown people are all dead  ('cept for the criminally wealthy, powerful and murderous ones of whom he's THE #1 fan).

Can and will the military stop wasting time AND taxpayer money on the whims, hates and mondo despotic desires of this shriveled-brained, cretinous excuse for a human being?

This is the very same military he's claimed to have given their first pay-raise in 10 years. Ah, no you odious, lying, pile of fly covered cow snot – there just a single year when they didn’t receive a pay increase and that was in 1983 when Saint Ronnie was Prez. 45's truly certain that he's smarter and better at EVERYthing than anyone else.

We're looking at a new, hope filled dawn and Nancy Pelosi is out in front, fearlessly leading the fight against the bloviating blowhard and his Republican/Fascist Party.

I believe Im feeling a weebit better already!


  1. She grabbed him by the dumbth.

    I think any lingering doubts about having her as Speaker have been quelled.

    1. Oh yeah! And Hell's bells SHE ought to be president!
