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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Sometimes Ya Just Gotta Say Yes

Particularly when you’re going through mondo painful recovery from back surgery. (which I may've mentioned once or 500 times already. Whine, snivel, kvetch)

It’s catalogue season and I LOVE getting catalogues – it’s window shopping without having to leave home. It’s fun to look but I rarely buy anything. Why not? I’ve got more important shit to spend my hard earned cabbage on than clothes, baubles and gimcracks!

Like what? Books (DUH!), paint and travel to name just a few things that take MAJOR precedence.

In any case, I saw these rather expensive slippers in the latest Sundance gazetteer and decided they were just too beautiful to pass by. (Also too, I needed a damn treat!) They arroved yesterday and they are even more awesome than expected. The soles are nice, thick and deeply ridged so, even in snow and ice, I'll be safe on my catch-the-dawn seawall dashes. They’re fleece lined too.

DAY-um, this was a good investment!

I woke at 2:30 again this morning but NOT because I was in MEGA pain. I ran outta my super duper pain meds yesterday and couldn’t get an immediate refill  (need a physical ‘script from the Doc for “controlled substances”) Doc Coumans was in surgery so couldn’t immediately scribble one out and cab it over. Bummer City! To get off to Slumberville, I fired up my heating pad, did some deep breathing exercises and, yeah, chased my four ibuprofen with a glass ‘o’ the grape. Good sleep happened!

This morning, I actually don’t feel appallingly awful. I’m NOT in screaming pain. Yeah sure, on rolling outta my fab crib, I was feeling a bite, a sharp twinge or three BUT, after taking just two of my analgesic Pez (AKA Tylenol), it was bearable – almost ignorable. GODDAMN, I must be healing!

Good timing too since, later this morning Jen and I are headed to the Foundry Show. There’ll be loads of walking about. I’ll def take my walker, as mentioned yesterday, and take full advantage of the show’s little cafĂ©. Hey, who DOESN’T need a brief sit-down, a rest with a cookie and cuppa whilst perusing aisles of beautiful handmade arts and crafts?!

AND, speaking of books, (we were, weren't we?), I just finished a honey – Reincarnation Blues by Michael Poore.
Reincarnation Blues is the story of a man who has been reincarnated nearly 10,000 times, in search of the secret to immortality so that he can be with his beloved, the incarnation of Death. (source)
That's "immortality" as in After-Life World or this one.

It's not, strictly speaking, a love story. The book's about LIFE and DEATH (in this world and after), different cultures and new worlds (which we gotta explore and colonize after we've banjaxed this one). Set up, sort of, as a series of interconnected  short stories and vignettes, it was PERFECT for the worst bits of my recovery – I could pick it up, put in down for a couple days and not miss a beat. Also too, it's witty and, sometimes, flat out funny. Think Vonnegut by way of Christopher Moore and Terry Pratchett with a hint of Neil Gaiman thrown in for good measure.

Alrightly then, time to hit the showers and ready myself for my FIRST port-surgery Fun Day!

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