- I finally began my post spine surgery rehab. (I like my PT, BTW).
- On Wednesday, I had my two month post-surgery follow up. Despite the dastardly cold, my fabulous cutter feels I’m actually more active than he typically sees at this point in recovery. (and here, I thought my impression of a comatose slug was just magnifico!)
- Also, on Wednesday, I had my hearing aid looked at. It’s healthy and will last another year or two (and NO worries about cost as my current insurance WILL actually cover it!!!!)
- Thursday’s eye laser procedure (YAG laser capsulotomy – what a name! AND 'the fuck does YAG stand for?) went very well. Three days after, NO issues or complications at all.
- And on Friday I got a few new design/layout jobs – freelanceville (i.e., my paycheck) is heating up again. Yea! Financial worries are calming down.
But what about this coming week? Eh, nothing terribly worrisome apart from flying out on Saturday morning to visit Daddy in Western Pennsylvania.
Flying – you betchyur ass I’m concerned. With the Tangerine Terrorist’s temper tantrum government shutdown, is it safe to fly?
Flying – you betchyur ass I’m concerned. With the Tangerine Terrorist’s temper tantrum government shutdown, is it safe to fly?

Possibly I’ll find Fortune’s Pawn by Rachel Bach too. It’s been favorably compared to Joss Whedon’s Firefly which I totes LOVED.

And this one, Libriomancer by Jim C. Hines seems right up my nerderific alley.
In Hines’ world, a select group of magicians can pull anything out of a book and make it real. Including “sparkle vampires” from Twilight, and various other items from books. The result is a ridiculously geeky story about people who spend way too much time obsessing about science fiction and fantasy books—except for them, it’s a source of immense power. (And responsibility.) (source)

Captain Joe DePete, President of the Air Line Pilots Association, International sent the steaming pile of rabid weasel feces who’s occupying the Oval Office an official Cut The Shit, Man letter. He says the shutdown is "adversely affecting the safety, security and efficiency of our national airspace system.”
Tom Bunn, a therapist and airline captain, on the other hand, says not to worry – fliers are safe.
I haven’t seen Poppy since early November's fab visit. Since then, he’s moved into a new, highly recommended pro-nursing set up. Transitions are difficult for us all and I wish I could’ve been there with him for this one. It’s important to me to get down there now that I’ve recovered sufficiently from my surgical dust ups.
I don’t know what to think (vis-à-vis safety). What do you think?
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