It snowed last night. My heart hurts for all our outdoor friends. I recently put Rocco’s old cat cave out for Umlaut but he doesn’t seem impressed.

We’re destroying/have destroyed their homes to put up McMansions and shopping malls. Where are they supposed to go?
Elsewhere, in Massachusetts towns, bears (BEARS!), wild turkeys, coyotes, moose (!!!), opossum, foxes and more make regular appearances. Back when we lived in Cambridge, it was not at all unusual to come across BIG wild turkeys as I walked home from work through the MIT campus. Here in Valhalla (nowhere near rural) I’ve seen coyote and fox. They dig the beach too, don'cha know. Plus, I have a regular visitor opossum (or two).
We’d welcome a bobcat. Of course we would. I wonder if they’d like Fancy Feast?
Did you know? Our kids and grands do NOT need to stand, salute and recite the pledge of allegiance in school each morning.
The 1943 Supreme Court case West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette made this call already.
Amongst other sensible things said:
Under the Federal Constitution, compulsion as here employed is not a permissible means of achieving "national unity.”Not a permissible means AND not especially bright either. In fact it’s…lemme see, what’s the word I’m looking for…dictatorial? authoritarian?…I KNOW, it’s motherfucking fascist!
Apparently not all teachers in Florida were paying attention in class the day that was covered.
When I was in high school I stood but did NOT put my hand over my heart and recite. Why not? Viet Nam, the draft, the profound lack of equality for ALL citizens (not just the rich, white, male, het ones – ya know?). Shit was fucked up, just as it is, in montsro spades, now.
More weird news from Floriduh – and it’ll undoubtedly thrill the Hater in Chief, Preznint Shit for Brains Treason Weasel. Robots will supposedly replace migrant farm workers within the year.
Harvest robot Harv can supposedly do the work of 30 people (THINK of the savings on payroll!). Only one prob:
During a test run last year, Harv gathered just 20 percent of strawberries on every plant without mishap. This year’s goal: Harvest half of the fruit without crushing or dropping any. The human success rate is closer to 80 percent…(source)Ah but sure, replace people with robots – what could go wrong?
Then there's the coy-wolf (kai-wolf), a new species that's turned up in the Northeast, roughly equal part wolf, coyote (kai-yot/e) and domestic dog. Big as a wolf, solitary as a coyote, not at all afraid of humans.
ReplyDeleteWow! I'm gonna have to buy a LOT more Fancy Feast!