I was raised Catholic. This came complete with WAY too many years of angry nuns attempting to quash my one-of-these-humans-is-not-like-the-others nature. I haven’t been a mackerel snapper for at least a millennium (well, not since I was 13 anyway).
Despite the passage of eons, some stuff stuck – like Lent. Not so much the copying Christ's 40 day desert sojourn or prepping for the savage aspects of Easter. Nope. I remember, as a wee one, giving up sweets and such. My mother gave me such
shit when I said that I wanted to give up string beans for Lent (HATED
string beams). I guess I was being a little transparent. Oopsie!
Just as transparently I suppose, I STRONGLY believe that we as a nation should give the the White House Crime Cartel a hard pass – Lent is a good time to start. And by hard pass I DO mean we boot their greedheaded, imbecilic asses out of America (while it still exists) and onto…say…a nice, uninhabited, frozen patch like Appat Island off the coast of Greenland.
I don’t believe the guillemots have gotten 'round to installing WiFi so Stupidhead, Stupidhead Junior and Princess Stupid can just scream their inanities and snowflake persecution complex ravings at…who…the seals maybe. I know, we shouldn’t dump trash on the poor babes but, ya know, seals are carnivores. I believe they could make a fine meal of those dimbulbed hate mongers.
Now, I know I’m late with this Lenten suggestion but, rilly, it’s not too late to give up this very bad habit.
This WILL, of course, be a lot harder for folks in the deep south. Alabama fer instance.
A godsend? //snort// Like the ten plagues he sent to Egypt?
How was the Mobster in Chief's visit a "godsend?" He toured the devastation (by helicopter) and then dropped into a local church to sign BIBLES (A) ya know he didn't write this book OR any other, right? B) his signature looks a hell of a lot more like Arnold than his own name. Apparently, he can't spell that either). Nothing to see here folks, just Preznint BIG Orange Ego coming out to see his faithful fans rubes.
Alabama, of course, voted overwhelmingly for the Tangerine Twat.
In big bold contrast there's California, whose citizens most assuredly did NOT vote for Preznint Democracy Killer. What has 45 done about the mega devastating fires out there? Why, he’s threatened to cut off disaster funding for fire victims “unless they get their act together, which is unlikely.”
Apparently the Shit for Brains In Chief doesn’t understand that he really does need to care about all the states – even the very blue ones.
He’ll never get it. He’s a narcissistic, bellicose, moronic pile of refried blobfish vomit.
I was raised Catholic. This came complete with WAY too many years of angry nuns attempting to quash my one-of-these-humans-is-not-like-the-others nature. I haven’t been a mackerel snapper for at least a millennium (well, not since I was 13 anyway).
An aside: The only time I’ve been in a Catholic church since adolescence (OK, apart from the Duomos in Siena and Orvieto) was for mia madre’s funeral. Astoundingly, I did not get struck by a bolt of lightening and get all consumed by a pillar of fire and shit. Huh. It’s like god’s not even trying. Did he go out for a smoke break mebbe?

Now, I know I’m late with this Lenten suggestion but, rilly, it’s not too late to give up this very bad habit.
This WILL, of course, be a lot harder for folks in the deep south. Alabama fer instance.
Residents of a small Alabama city, still reeling after deadly tornadoes devastated their corner of the state, said President Trump’s visit Thursday was “a godsend.” (source)

How was the Mobster in Chief's visit a "godsend?" He toured the devastation (by helicopter) and then dropped into a local church to sign BIBLES (A) ya know he didn't write this book OR any other, right? B) his signature looks a hell of a lot more like Arnold than his own name. Apparently, he can't spell that either). Nothing to see here folks, just Preznint BIG Orange Ego coming out to see his faithful

In big bold contrast there's California, whose citizens most assuredly did NOT vote for Preznint Democracy Killer. What has 45 done about the mega devastating fires out there? Why, he’s threatened to cut off disaster funding for fire victims “unless they get their act together, which is unlikely.”
Apparently the Shit for Brains In Chief doesn’t understand that he really does need to care about all the states – even the very blue ones.
He’ll never get it. He’s a narcissistic, bellicose, moronic pile of refried blobfish vomit.
I tend to look at it like the goddess just bombed the shit out of a blasphemous people and they still don't get it.
ReplyDeleteJesus – TRUTH!
DeleteSometimes I just have to stand back and say, "Really? Signing bibles now?" I'm also an ex-catholic. I actually went through to my confirmation and then said what the fuck am I doing with my life? Yeah, I only did it to keep my mother from bitching at me 24/7 but she did it anyways. So I still give up stuff for lent. Some things stay with you like luggage, amiright? I was wondering how long would it be before the seals got to the orange orangutan and family before the cold did? Is it possible to just send that whole family in one of Elon Musk's Space-x ships into the sun? Maybe not. It could cause a super nova and we'd all be fried.
ReplyDeleteya know, I would really hope the cold got to the WH Crime Cartel before the seals – I can just imagine the horrendous indigestion those poor seals would have. Who'd clean up all the hurl? That beautiful island would be a total mess!
DeleteAlso too, mothers (she says shaking her head resignedly) – they live to bitch. Must be something in the amniotic fluid...or something.