I’d been told that she could determine whether I would be a candidate for the PROSE lens or not. Now then, since she’s a MEEI cornea specialist and NOT a BostonSight doc, I figured, best I’d get would be a very educated guess as to whether the PROSE people would take me on or not.
Cool but I’d be nervous until I got the final word from BostonSight. If Doc Jacobs said “yeah, you’ll qualify” I’d cancel Monday’s eye shutting surgery and hope like all fucking hell that BS agreed with the good Doc’s assessment. If not, I could always reschedule.

In this age, when a full length movie can be viewed on a cell phone’s teeny tiny screen, couldn’t a lightweight monitor be set up on the outside of my eyepatch? Ya know, with WiFi I could even live-stream NASA’s views of Earth from space from my eyepatch.
The possibilities for coolness are totes endless!
Meanwhile the doc entered the exam room stage left. I liked her immediately. She was clearly smart as all hell but also came off as a bit of an absent minded professor. NOT all slick d and I’m-doing-you-a-favor-by-squeezing-you-into-my-très-busy-schedge. She read all the notes on my current disaster-thon while I told her that my dream was to duck the eye shutting op and go straight to the PROSE lens-age. I’d just, in the waiting room, sent off all my paperwork to BostonSight and was afraid I wouldn’t be a candidate.
As it turns out, Doc Jacobs used to work at BostonSight! She checked out my old orb, said I was def a candidate and then CALLED BS to get me in the door. She even pulled strings to bump me up to a sooner spot on line.
Also, that nasty-ass infection? Gone now! I no longer have to take drops. That means the swelling will go down now because, waddaya know, those mondo necessary antibiotic drops were causing that shit!
And no eye closing surgery on Monday!!!
Jesus, I came outta yesterday’s appointment feeling like I was living a too neat and tidy, happy Hollywood ending.
I’ll take it!