The installation art (+audio) appearing on the streets of NYC now is art that matters. Big time. This is our Guernica.
To be fair (!?) this was never about LIFE. This has always been, for the Reich Wing Cons (AKA the party devoted to manipulating the rubes – the Republican Party) about imprisoning us womenfolk within our bodies and forcing us back into the dark ages. Next stop – taking away our rights to vote and own property.
As for those of us in the unelected set, WHERE ARE THE GOD BANGERS? Ya know, the ones who claim to be so damn passionate about LIFE?
A dog pound would, likely, have better conditions.
When will this King of Deplorables enact the final solution on the innocents? Has he sent Kellyanne shopping for some discount Zyklon B yet?
"The litmus test of any society is how it treats children. By normalizing the detention of children in cages, we’re only going further down the path of forsaking the rights of all children,” RAICES executive director Jonathan Ryan said in a news release (source)WHERE are all those Jesus humping “Pro-Lifers” now? Oh, that’s right they only care about fetuses. Once you pop out the mom chute…well, yur on yur own kid. Hey here’s a nice cage for you to live in and you don’t mind if this skeevy border patrol thug rapes you do you?
To be fair (!?) this was never about LIFE. This has always been, for the Reich Wing Cons (AKA the party devoted to manipulating the rubes – the Republican Party) about imprisoning us womenfolk within our bodies and forcing us back into the dark ages. Next stop – taking away our rights to vote and own property.
As for those of us in the unelected set, WHERE ARE THE GOD BANGERS? Ya know, the ones who claim to be so damn passionate about LIFE?
Five children have died since late last year after being detained by the Border Patrol. Immigrants have been kept outside for extended periods near a bridge in El Paso in conditions that a professor who recently visited the location told the Texas Monthly magazine. (source)

Five immigrant children have died since late last year after being detained by the Border Patrol, including a flu-stricken teenager who was found dead in a facility migrants refer to as the “icebox” because of the temperatures inside. (source)OH but it's not just the asylum seeker's children who are being radically, rabidly ill-treated. Spanky's administration is into full service sadism.
And an Inspector General report last month found severe overcrowding inside an El Paso processing center, with 76 migrants packed into a tiny cell designed for 12 people. Investigators saw immigrants standing on top of toilets to make room and find space to breathe because the cell was so cramped. (source)76 people in a space for meant for 12. Children in dog cages. And Preznint KKK has now reopened one of our previous BIG national embarrassments.
When the Trump administration announced its plan this week to turn a former WWII internment camp in Oklahoma into an emergency shelter for migrant children, many Japanese-Americans worried history was repeating itself. (source)So, under the Horror-Show Sub-Human Sack of Weasel Feces in the defiled WH, WWII interment camps are back in vogue. I’m just SO proud to be an American now – aren’t you? Yeah, not so much. By the by, under that jackboot fetishizing idiot, history's back like Freddy Krueger.
When will this King of Deplorables enact the final solution on the innocents? Has he sent Kellyanne shopping for some discount Zyklon B yet?
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