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Friday, September 27, 2019

Hair on the Brain

I woke form a vivid dream. I was going to a grand ball and just had to have my hair done up all pretty for it. I had stripes and streaks of electric blue and deep lavender dyed in. It was spectacular but now I was tense. Knowing how quickly these Crayola type colors fade AND how, the minute you leave the stylist’s chair, the new do begins to degrade. I wanted this fancy hoodang to hurry up and start while I still looked fresh and good.

Yeah, then Coco leaped onto my chest to announce that it was breakfast time. Good kitten – she spared me from fashion-fail’s tyranny.

There’s been WAY more than enough tension and anxiety these past few weeks. Between Helen’s accident, Daddy’s doc appointment and my own fucked up health crap. I really don’t need to be stressing over my hair, not in Dream World and MOST DEF not in WakeyWakey Land.

The recent mega-load of worries and anxiety have taken a toll on yurs truly. I can’t seem to shake my exhaustion, my crap balance is in high gear, I’m ultra prone to episodes of Big Sad and I feel like I can easily slip into bouts of peevish petulance. I want to take my anger out to play BUT only aim it at the man who would be king and all his braindead followers and otherwise annoying, stupid AND vexatious humans.

One of Treasonweasel von Shit for Brains’ more dimwitted supporters is a woman who’s married to my fave nephew. Now, she’s roundly disliked but, owing to marriage, she’s still considered family. I’ve only met her once and, apparently, she was on good behavior, being all nicey-nice and not letting her idiocy slip out. I had no idea of her true nature.

I accepted her ShoutyFace “friend” request. I guess she had no idea what she was in for. I post a lot of political stuff – you know news articles on how the Republi/Fascists are voting against saving our planet, how they’re not real keen on us little womens and people of color being all EQUAL and shit, how their chosen one, the Narcissist in Chief, is as bright and well balanced as a runny pool of diarrheal rhino feces and this doesn’t exactly reflect well on his fans.

I wasn”t aware of her right wing haterific lunacy until she posted some column by a right wing bloviator who was complaining that he was tired of being called a racist, etc. Helpful Hint #523: If you’re NOT actually a racist or misogynist, don’t vote for politicians who are.

She announced that she’d just deleted 30 FB friends & blocked 10, sad thing is most were my family 💔🤷

Love the broken heart emoji followed by the shrug. Somehow I have doubts about that heart breakage AND the alleged sadness. And yup, I was one of her deletions. I’m so NOT put out by this. My only sorrow is that my nephew is married to someone so stupid.

Finally, I was squicked that she referred to me as "family." Family is an earned position, NOT one endowed by birth or marrying some poor sad relation. The people who I count as family are the ones who love me AND show it. Not in mere words (don’cha know, words is cheap) but in deeds. Help me through recovery after one of my frequent surgeries? Yup, that totally counts. Help me heal after losing The Amazing Bob? Yup! Stand by me in good times and bad? Mais oui in spades!

That’s family, not some bit of shared DNA.

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