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Saturday, September 28, 2019


Trees on Nut Island
My handwriting has become atrociously retched . Like viciously,  embarrassingly heinous. The simple act of writing out checks for the monthly bills has become a nerve-wracking, painstaking ordeal. All so's I can send payment to National Grid that appears to be written by a five year old who's flunked penmanship

Janice suggested I talk with one of my neuro docs about this. Oh crapamundo, is this yet another fun, fun side effect from all those damn tumors  hangin’ ‘round in ma tête?

Naturally I had to take the old google fu out for a run.
Anatomically, even scrawling a quick note to yourself, “pick up milk,” is a complex voluntary procedure, engaging the cooperation of all lobes of your cerebral cortex with other parts of your brain—including the limbic system, hippocampus, brain stem, and cerebellum—and finally the spinal cord, which sends impulses out to your hands and fingers. Damage to any of these parts will affect your fine motor control and show up as some type of break in the rhythm or control of your handwriting. (source)
My semi annual appointment with Doc Plotkin isn’t until November. Is this bad handwriting bullshit serious? Should I try for an earlier meet up?

If I need to have some/all of my meningioma bad boys yanked, they’ve gotta come out soon. Like no later than mid October. Ya see, I’ve just reserved an early December spot for me and Jen, at Silica Nirvana. Yes we’re doing our brief and now annual Iceland trip and I already bought the plane tickies.

If the sitch is serious but not dire can I wait until after we get back from our awesome floaty float? One way or the other, I’ve GOT to be in that stress relieving, silica infused H2O and soon. There ain’t nothin’ more restorative than a peaceful slip along the very warn water as the snow falls.

Possibly this sudden entrée into Scrawlsville could be due to something else.

Like. mebbe it’s an early sign of dementia.. OR it could indicate Alzheimer's progression. OR it’s a sign of the relatively no-big Parkinson’s disease. I have SO much to choose from!

Also, I only mention it but, growing old with Neurofibromatosis Type 2 isn't for pansies or the faint of heart.

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