Remember how the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette political cartoonist was fired last year for highlighting the obvs reality of Prez. Porto-Potty-in-the-August-Sun's criminality and disregard for humanity (unless they're REALLY good toadies)?
In Rob Rogers' place John Block, the newspaper’s publisher and editor-in-chief who’s a proudly ignorant Trumper, hired the reprehensible Steve Kelley – a right wing liar (that was redundant, sorry) with a pen.
And the check is in the mail, I won’t come in your mouth and global warming “is a hoax.” I think I just rolled my eyes so high and hard, I broke the sky. Who the fuck does John Blockhead think he's fooling?
In other news Chick-fil-A has decided there’s just NOT enough baksheesh in being an out proud hater of humanity in all its diverse stylings. They want to expand globally and into less backward parts of the US. Can’t be as filthy rich as the COO wants when you’re best known for donations to haterific orgs.
Supposedly, they’ll now focus their giving on education, homelessness and hunger. Sounds wonderful BUT they’ve said this sort of weasel shit before. Plus, it ain’t like they’re single issue assholes:
NOT that I’d eat there anyway (vegetarian here) BUT I’ll be interested in hearing the names and stands of their new gift recipients.
In Rob Rogers' place John Block, the newspaper’s publisher and editor-in-chief who’s a proudly ignorant Trumper, hired the reprehensible Steve Kelley – a right wing liar (that was redundant, sorry) with a pen.
Some people on our staff who ‘lean left’ can’t accept that we are now, and have always been, a non-aligned newspaper,” Block was quoted as saying. “We are not Democrat. We are not Republican.” (source)

In other news Chick-fil-A has decided there’s just NOT enough baksheesh in being an out proud hater of humanity in all its diverse stylings. They want to expand globally and into less backward parts of the US. Can’t be as filthy rich as the COO wants when you’re best known for donations to haterific orgs.
The move comes after several U.S. airports rejected the company from concessions deals earlier this year. More recently, the landlord of the first Chick-fil-A in the U.K. announced eight days into its lease the pop-up venue would not be welcome to extend — all because of the company’s perceived anti-LGBT stance. (source)GOOD!
Supposedly, they’ll now focus their giving on education, homelessness and hunger. Sounds wonderful BUT they’ve said this sort of weasel shit before. Plus, it ain’t like they’re single issue assholes: 2002, a former employee of a Houston Chick-fil-A sued the chain for discrimination. The employee, who was Muslim, alleged he had been fired because he refused to pray to Jesus with other employees. The suit was settled out of court. (source)Did Dan Cathy have a REAL come to REAL Jesus experience versus Rebubli/Facist Jesus? Wouldn’t that be shocking and welcome. I have a hunch Dan's "jesus" is of the green, spendy variety.
NOT that I’d eat there anyway (vegetarian here) BUT I’ll be interested in hearing the names and stands of their new gift recipients.
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