Also too, it no longer aches.
I now, finally, have a smidgen of hope. I see the good Doc Jacobs on Friday and will, presumably. get the word then as to whether I get to keep this bad boy or no.
And then, on the following Monday evening, Jen and I will depart for our now annual visit to the lava fields and geothermal lagoons of southern Iceland. While it snows down on top of us we’ll float in the magnificently warm water, we’ll hike over to the BIG lagoon for lunchie and some people watching, then ‘home’ for more floating and back to the room for reading accompanied by a nice glass ‘o’ the grape.
Yes, I know. This doesn’t sound like a fiery thrill ride of a vaca BUT it’s brilliantly mellow…calming. Jen and I first came here five months after The Amazing Bob’s death. Pre Silica Nirvana, I wondered if I’d EVER feel whole, like me again. Was I, now TABless, just a hollow shell – like a cannoli without the sweet ricotta filling. Had I now taken my own number in death’s waiting room (FYI, the magazines there are utter crap – Golf Digest? Private Islands? Girls and Corpses? Honestly ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! ) Did life have any more LIFE for me?
It was in this quiet, usually just me and Jen, lagoon that I had my first moment of peace and happy in a year. So yeah, I keep going back. Peace, as you prolly noticed, is in viciously short supply so of course I look forward to this brief zen-ish escape.
IF I had the dosh and energy, I’d love to visit Columbia – take a grand tour of this biodiverse wonderland. I’d spend a couple weeks in Barcelona with GaudĂ and, of course, I’d return to Berlin to see my awesome cousin Della. She and I had spoken of taking a trip down to Gioia del Colle, the little town in Italy’s boot heel where our mother originated. That’d be SO fun!
Now that I’ve mebbe almost cleared this wonk-ass eye hurdle, I just gotta get over the eggplant sized tumor in ma tĂȘte. THEN I gotta build my energy back and zoom, I’m off.
Oh but first Ten and I are gonna hit Valhalla for Trees in Northern California.
Drink heavily with locals whenever possible.
~ Anthony Bordain
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
~ Mae West
Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
~ Robert Frost
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