I’m not ready to be back in the United States of InsanityVille yet.
Are they so desperately afraid of losing their phony “public servant” gigs, by upsetting Prez TreasonWeasel’s rapidly diminishing fan base, that they’ve sold their souls out to a cheap-ass, gold plated, hate mongering and obvs deeply disturbed grifter?
What sort of future, were they to stand up, grow a spine and do the honorable, decent and right thing, do Gym Jordan, Lindsey Graham, Steve Scalisi, Matt Gaetz, Duncan Hunter, Tom (brains of) Cotton etc. envision. Poverty? Not bloody likely. I’m sure every last one of these rotted, desiccated excuses for humanity have splendidly healthy bank accounts and investment portfolios.
Loss of power and prestige? I’m betting on that.
"It's easy to get caught up in impeachment, or the hastening ecological decline of our world, or the fact that the president posted more than 80 tweets before 9:30 this morning, including a suggestion to a teenage climate activist that she should "chill" and consider "Anger Management" classes.
But did you see the charity thing? You should see the charity thing. It was almost water under the bridge. Our politics have gone so far down the rabbit hole that a story about how the President of the United States agreed to pay $2 million at a court's order—while admitting he used his charity for his own gain—barely made a splash. Folks saw the headline and thought to themselves, Well, yeah, of course Donald Trump ran a crooked charity." (source)Will the Republican held senate do the right thing – vote to remove the constitution shredding, democracy destroying Trump Crime Cartel from office? I’d be stunned if they do – the entire party is in his pocket. WHY?
Are they so desperately afraid of losing their phony “public servant” gigs, by upsetting Prez TreasonWeasel’s rapidly diminishing fan base, that they’ve sold their souls out to a cheap-ass, gold plated, hate mongering and obvs deeply disturbed grifter?
What sort of future, were they to stand up, grow a spine and do the honorable, decent and right thing, do Gym Jordan, Lindsey Graham, Steve Scalisi, Matt Gaetz, Duncan Hunter, Tom (brains of) Cotton etc. envision. Poverty? Not bloody likely. I’m sure every last one of these rotted, desiccated excuses for humanity have splendidly healthy bank accounts and investment portfolios.
Loss of power and prestige? I’m betting on that.
"President Donald Trump keeps racking up high crimes like they’re rounds of taxpayer-funded golf, threatening civil war or execution as punishment for any attempt to hold him accountable. You would assume he’s the greatest threat to democracy that we face.
How much respect comes with being a cheerleader for such an obvs con man, sloppy criminal and hawker of hate and violence? Even the Über christainist, the silver sycophant, Dense Pence won’t come out of this unscathed. I wonder if "Mother" will still do him once he's known, not only as the failed governor of Indiana but as the Veep and chief ball licker for the most despised, reviled and iniquitously incompetent president EVER,But you would be wrong. The Republicans in Congress who are inviting Trump to continue his torching of the Constitution are the greatest threat to this republic that any of us will ever see. And impeachment will fail unless it exposes this complicit and cowardly GOP." (source)
When he wasn’t warning of the apocalypse if he doesn’t win a second term, Trump teased shredding the Constitution by serving as many as 29 years in office. (source)The sun is up in Iceland right now, it's a calm 31º in Reykjavik and, I'll guarantee you, the Silica's lagoon would be warm and calming.
It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.
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