Unpossible. I’m hoping beyond reason that the government of Iran possesses cooler, more stable and sane minds than our belligerently, bellicose, war crime threatening, astoundingly deranged pResident Evil. Ya know, it wouldn't take much.
"I said during a speech at the time (of Barack Obama's presidency) that the time for hit-and-run is over. If you hit, you get hit back," the Ayatollah said in an undated video released in Tehran. (source)In palate cleansing, brain sparking, fascinating news:
WOW!Astronomers have redrawn the map of the Milky Way after the discovery of a vast string of stellar nurseries overturned a 150-year-old theory of the structure of our corner of the galaxy.
The discovery, published yesterday in the journal Nature, shows that stellar nurseries, where newly formed stars grow and which make up much of the night sky as viewed from earth are gathered in a swooping rollercoaster shaped line – a massive elongated cluster of gas and stars some 9,000 light years long. (source)
Jen imagines that there MUST be a planet out that way which is inhabited soley by giant cats. I wholeheartedly concur – has ta be!
This gives me an idea. We can rocket Demented Don, the Genius of Incompetence and Imbecility there. Cats are smart – they’re also wildly intolerant of self-serving, smug, fatuous fools. His fate in Meowter Space would be richly deserved.
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