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Saturday, February 8, 2020

In Search of Escapism

I’ve already, undoubtedly, waxed on about how I’m in major love with my local library, the Thomas Crane . Not only is it located in an ultra magnificent building, they have movie days/evenings, concerts, classes AND, oh yeah, you can borrow books from the second largest in Massachusetts (Boston’s is the biggest).

While I still occasionally buy books, using my library card is the first choice. Why? It's FREE and if the book doesn't trip my trigger, I can just return it guilt-free. Win-win, no?

I wrote about the brill, electrifying, sci fi yarn Space Opera by Catherynne Valente– it was a tremendous, BIG-ass help in getting me through my recent MGH stays. Not only is the writing philosophically rich, it’s also sublimely dazzling AND witty as fuck. Though I’ve already enjoyed/savored this adventure, it’s clear that Imma NEED to find and purchase it. I wanna be able to reread and reread and then read again whenever I feel the need. (like right now).

Three snippets:
the only wall we could ever build against What’s Going On was the glitter and the shine and the synth and the knowing grin that never stops knowing. The show. Because the opposite of fascism isn’t anarchy, it’s theater. When the world is fucked, you go to the theater, you go to the shine, and when the bad men come, all there is left to do is sing them down. 
I don't know why you would even bring up the internet. The xeno-intelligence officer responsible for evaluating your digital communication required invasive emergency therapy after an hour's exposure. One glance at that thing is the strongest argument possible against the sentience of humanity. I wouldn't draw attention to it, if I were you. 
As far as quality housemates to be found on Planet Earth, it goes: dolphins, elephants, orangutans, octopi, then every single spider, then Joan of Arc, the Dalai Lama, Mr. Rogers, Freddie Mercury, my nan, all the scorpions, German measles, a dented recycling bin, and then maybe some of the rest of us.
I was (and, obvs, still am) so blown to bits by this book that I took out two of her other tales – Radiance and Deathless. It became clear to me after the first 50 pages, that neither was as over-the-top, rapturously, orphically consuming as Space Opera. I needs that right now! So, I took them back to the library (borrowed NOT bought, so, guilt-free!!!) and brought home Charlaine Harris new Gunnie Rose thriller, A Longer Fall.

Set in a fractured United States, in the southwestern country now known as Texoma. A world where magic is acknowledged but mistrusted, especially by a young gunslinger named Lizbeth Rose.

No, it’s not as poetically exciting, beautifully written or can’t-put-it-downish as Space Opera BUT Harris is reliably weird, fun, thought sparking and good escape

Other MUST rereads/MUST owns?

Oh wait, I actually already own all those so I guess I’m all set on Recovery Reading. 


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