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Friday, February 7, 2020

Adventures in Recoveryville

I may have mentioned this already BUT this recovery (versus the ones after all my other surgeries) SUCKS! Wut? I have?  You're not surprised that I’m making that observation once again, are ya?

Wednesday, the day after Tuesday’s BIG, mondo exhausting shopping extravaganza Ten and I motored down to Nantasket. I’d hoped to have a nice walk on the beach BUT it was abso-too-bloody-cold with a mistralesque breeze off the water that was let’s-knock-the-tippy-old-broad-over fierce. So, we sat in the car and took in the view. I just can’t fucking wait for winter’s frigid winds to pass.

On the way home we stopped at a grocery that I’ve always thought was a Whole Foods. I will NOT darken the doors of that greedheaded, greenwashing, anti-union, toxic beef and mercury-laden fish selling joint and not just because they’re obscenely overpriced either (none, by the by, of those excessive and extortionist profits ever find their way into front line employee’s paychecks).

As it turns out, this shop is a Fresh Market – similar but way better than Whole Profits. Fresh Market’s prices were reasonable, the veggies and fruit attractive, they have alluring baked goods AND wine. I’m glad we stopped in. We’ll continue to frequent our local, small hippy/groovy comestibles emporium, Good Health Natural Foods but this a good, new option.

And then, yesterday I was shaking again. So much so that I couldn’t get the damn lens in my eye. Ten allowed that I’m now, as of Tuesday, off the post surgery steroid and that might be the cause of my renewed quivers. Jen reminded me that Doc Barker told me my shaking would get worse before it got better. Hmmph, I thought I was past that point already! I was also as weak as butterfly with the flu.


I managed to do my PT strengthening exercises, for the most part, but didn’t take any walkies. Just as well – yesterday was chilly and the heavens were, by turns snowing, sleeting and raining. Yeah, yesterday it was slushing all day.

Today I am FOUR weeks post-slicefest. Seems to me I should be ALMOST 100%, back up to normal, kräftig even, by now. Don’t you think that’s reasonable, fair and JUST!? This blindingly dilatory pace is driving me Hatter mad. 

Motherfucking Bon Dieu...and shit.

This morning my tremors are way less though and I got my lens in without a fight. That’s something, right?

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