…and additions
It’s well past time to reconsider some of the roots of certain holidays, days of celebration and observance and excuses for three day weekends.
Fer instance, today is Presidents Day. There’s just no goddamn way that I wanna celebrate the current, grift-o-matic White House occupant OR the last idiot who was installed in the Oval Office NOT by the citizens of this once awesome country but, like the present Dimwit in Chief, by the hideously UNdemocratic electoral college.
Today, instead of “celebrating” born-to-wealth, white, clueless, mentally questionable assholes, how’s ‘bout we celebrate and focus on the concept of Democracy – our, supposed, form of government where us taxpaying residents have the authority and ability to choose our lawmakers, our laws. Let’s meditate on, celebrate and spread the word around about what Democracy really is because we no longer live in one. We’re in a Putin facilitated Trump/McConnellocracy now, where the coffers of big corporations and the über-wealthy overflow like Niagara while the rest of us live paycheck to paycheck.
Sure, we can have days to celebrate presidents but, how’s ‘bout JUST the ones with accomplishments worth honoring. Fer instance, to name just a few – F.D.R., Theodore Roosevelt, Barack Obama and Lincoln. Ya know, NOT the assholes who see/have seen the presidential gig as just another way to further line their own pockets and those of their fellow greedheads.
Other holidays/three day weekends that we should have?
Proletariat Day. Yes, we have Labor Day but, considering that we worker-bees are thought to be expendable/mega easily replaced and are discouraged from unionizing, seems to me there needs to be a day to support, educate and honor us peasants.

Already done in some states and towns – Native American Day or Indigenous Peoples' Day has replaced Columbus Day. My only quibble – just one day? No, no, no. There needs to be much more than a single day to remember, mourn and honor.

Veterans Day should be on a Monday. It should be a three day weekend where EVERYone has the day off AND it should be renamed Veterans and No More Damn War Day.
There aren’t any official holidays August but there bloody well SHOULD be. We can start with my birthday on the 18th. How to celebrate? Do something creative and/or challenging – paint, draw, doodle, hike, sing, write a poem, craft a story, fuck, bike, swim, knit, play in the clay, stare at a brill landscape. Ya know, connect with yourself and your environment.
Couldn’t hurt.
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