I said I wasn't gonna go out again until after my upcoming spine surgery recovery BUT I needed dental floss and cupcakes...dammit!
Jen and I hit CVS first where, despite copious signage blaring out that masks are REQUIRED, there was a man, walking directly at me with a naked face. Naturally, I dove to the side in an attempt to get six+ feet of distance between us.
Next we stopped at the bakery where everyone was masked up BUT social distancing was a half-assed dealio. Again there was a person walking straight toward me – I had to totally hotfoot it to get out of her path. She stopped, threw some words at me and moved on. Was she pissed that I chose to protect myself? Dunno. Jen said the woman laughed and said "You didn't need to run away."
Oh yes, honey, I did. I may not be the queen of immunocompromised kingdom but I'm, sure as fuck, up there in the goddamn throne room. PLUS, I have no idea how careful this oblivious and hypersensitive twat AND her family may or may not be. So, six feet back, bitch!
Eventually, impatience from waiting in what felt like a long line, (because of the distancing), overcame most of the customers and there was a surge to the counter. That was it for me, I set down my purchases and went out to the car.
Fuck this shit – I didn't need cake that badly!
Jen stayed, keeping as much space between her and the pastry-mad shoppers, and got me a slice of carrot cake. YES, Jen is angelic and I don't deserve her. I'm well aware, thenkyewveddymuch!
Know what else I saw as I tried to get out of the bakery plague-free? One of the bakers brought out a tray of goodies to slide into one of the display cases. He was wearing a mask BUT it was only covering his mouth –NOT his nose. FFS mon ami, this ain't rocket science – in order to protect others (as much as possible) the damn mask goes OVER the nose, mouth AND chin. Sheesh!
Ya know, this is Massachusetts. Our Governor, while Republican, is not a complete dimwit BUT, despite 290 new cases and 17 deaths on July 3rd alone, the state's entering phase three tomorrow. The NYTimes Coronavirus Map and Case Count page shows a rise in cases here.
Of course it does. Humans – give us an inch of room and we'll grab that up to an acre+ in minutes.
Fer instance, on June 18th, Michigan was one of just three states on track to contain the plague. And then yesterday, a bunch of I'm-gonna-live-forever COVIDiots went full metal death cult at a Fourth of July party.
Between this and my experiences in the pharmacy and Fratelli's, all I can say is – we're not, as a species, bright enough to survive.
Jen and I hit CVS first where, despite copious signage blaring out that masks are REQUIRED, there was a man, walking directly at me with a naked face. Naturally, I dove to the side in an attempt to get six+ feet of distance between us.
Oh yes, honey, I did. I may not be the queen of immunocompromised kingdom but I'm, sure as fuck, up there in the goddamn throne room. PLUS, I have no idea how careful this oblivious and hypersensitive twat AND her family may or may not be. So, six feet back, bitch!
Eventually, impatience from waiting in what felt like a long line, (because of the distancing), overcame most of the customers and there was a surge to the counter. That was it for me, I set down my purchases and went out to the car.
Fuck this shit – I didn't need cake that badly!
Jen stayed, keeping as much space between her and the pastry-mad shoppers, and got me a slice of carrot cake. YES, Jen is angelic and I don't deserve her. I'm well aware, thenkyewveddymuch!

Ya know, this is Massachusetts. Our Governor, while Republican, is not a complete dimwit BUT, despite 290 new cases and 17 deaths on July 3rd alone, the state's entering phase three tomorrow. The NYTimes Coronavirus Map and Case Count page shows a rise in cases here.
Of course it does. Humans – give us an inch of room and we'll grab that up to an acre+ in minutes.
Fer instance, on June 18th, Michigan was one of just three states on track to contain the plague. And then yesterday, a bunch of I'm-gonna-live-forever COVIDiots went full metal death cult at a Fourth of July party.
Between this and my experiences in the pharmacy and Fratelli's, all I can say is – we're not, as a species, bright enough to survive.
Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
~ Carlo M. Cipolla
For me it was the missus's cobbler (raspberry blueberry) that needed vanilla ice cream. No problem getting it at the store, everyone there was masked up per order of Governor Brown, who the Trumpanzees are once again trying to recall (no it won't happen). But cobbler sans ice cream is a crime. Later, the two of us walked out front to watch the Trumpanzee party next door attempting to blow up the neighborhood. About twenty of them all maskless of course. I wondered if any of them knew their malfunctioning displays were made in China. Seems like an important consideration to me, but then I am a believer in science and therefore a libtard, and therefore not an American. Strange days indeed. Watched the fireworks without much enthusiasm. I'll be more excited on Independence Day, November 3rd, 2020...
ReplyDeleteYes, for me as well, it won't be Independence Day until we're rid of Treasonweasel, Moscow Mitch and the rest of those greedheaded, anti-American fucks.
DeleteRaspberry blueberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream sounds divine.
Fireworks, haven't bothered to watch them since we lived in Cambridge, down by the water. We'd go up to the roof and watch as they seemed to blossom right over our heads. It felt like a glorious private show.