The Orange Idiot in Chief sends hired goons into Portland who go full metal, out of control, crazy violent shitbag nazi on peaceful protesters.
WHY? It’s just another photo op for the reality teevee, ratings obsessed prez. He claims, in an insane new ad, THIS is what we’ll get with a Biden presidency except THIS is what we have now under Prez Shit for Brains
Don’t forget – he’s not running for reelection because he wants the job, he’s running to avoid prison for his myriad ugly crimes.
Asylum-seeking families are STILL being separated at the border – children are still caged.
The South is on fire with Plague45. Though not in the same scary league as Florida and Texas, cases and deaths are on the upswing here in Massachusetts. Luckily this is a Blue state which means, though insanely inconsiderate assholes are everywhere and come in every political color, most folks around here don’t go all FreeDUMB tantrum toddler over having to wear a mask.
A study has found that people who identify as right-wing politically are more reluctant to wear face covers to stop the spread of coronavirus.
Researchers in the UK and US discovered that those who were more right-leaning were more likely to agree that wearing a covering is “not cool”, “shameful” and a “sign of weakness.” (source)Fucking pansies.

Can someone PLEASE talk Preznint Destructo Douche into scooting off to his Russian safe house before he and his assholian cult kill us all? Oh yeah, he should take his second rate porn model wife, his Beavis and Buttheaded sons and JarVanka with him.
Meanwhile, Biden’s got an ambitious, aggressive clean energy plan.
"We're talking about major investments in every corner of the country and every ZIP code," said Steve Capanna, the director of U.S. climate policy and analysis at the Environmental Defense Fund, a New York-based advocacy group. "That's a great way to put people of diverse income levels and diverse skill sets back to work in a way that will be rebuilding better than just going back to the way things were before."
Biden's plan spans four years and includes some lofty goals — including achieving a 100 percent clean electricity standard by 2035. (source)January 20th can’t come soon enough!
“The Edge... There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.” --- Hunter S. Thompson. Having lived much of my life with one foot dangling over the edge, I get it. Never quite made it to full fledged loopiness, I think because rationality was a monument I wouldn't/couldn't pull down. But the maw has always beckoned. I think my salvation (as a liberal human being) ensued because I put myself through college got a job in medical research and assumed a seemingly normal life (by all appearances) with a partner and then family. It was never easy, but was satisfying. Crazy would have to wait. But now we live in times where the crazy is normalized by the "President" and his people. I live close to Portland, but have not yet visited the courthouse. Probably won't go my excuse being that I'm a much older guy and increasingly fragile, but my heart is with the peaceful protestors not so much with the rioters. I grew with MLK being a great influence in my life, and remember watching the the televised marches across the Edmond Pettis bridge and remember how badly beaten the protestors were at the hands of the police. The thugs didn't win then, they won't win now. History doesn't repeat itself but it sometimes rhymes. I see the possibility for profound change coming where a more just society will emerge, where all people can join in and live fruitful lives, but then again I've always had one foot over the abyss...
ReplyDeleteThank you. You've sparked hope when, I was pretty much clean out.
DeleteI wish I could be on those front lines with the the Moms, Dads and Vets but, I too, am older and fragile. I don't mind the old part but "fragile" blows.
I too am ruled by reason and logic (mostly) – it's a sane way to walk through this vida loca.
Cheers mon ami!