I don’t care for chocolate ice cream. Not shocking, I suppose, given that milk chocolate isn’t my thing AT ALL. Chocolate should always be darker than the devil at midnight and NEVER cold. It can, however, on occasion contain raspberries and/or almonds.
I prefer Star Trek to Star Wars. Why? I just do. Probably has everything to do with Ewoks and the execrable Jar Jar Binks. TOO Disney cartoonish/safe-for-middle-class-child-consumption for me.
Women have always been taught/forced to be subservient doormats. Subjugation – this has been the job of the church.
This is one BIG reason that I don’t trust preachers – none of em. Two people from my high school became Methodist ministers. One male, one female. The male, now 63, was a pastor at five different churches – why all the moving? Seems a little hinky. Wouldn’t a preacher want to grow with and nurture his “flock.” The woman is no longer in the clergy club. I don’t specifically know why but, from snippets she’s dropped, it sounds like her departure had something to do with the pesky misogyny bullshit for which “men of god” are famous.
Anyone who thinks they’ve got a direct line to “god’ will always come off as fishy as fuck to me. Ya know, I’ll be all polite if and when we meet but I’m backing slowly, the fuck, away.

What if the Chinese had never invented the Huo Qiang (fire-lance). What if the French had not “refined“ that into the arquebus (a short-barreled firearm held at the shoulder and small enough to be handled by one man)? What if the NRA hadn’t become a thoroughly greedheaded and corrupt, terrorist promoting offshoot of the Republi/Fascist party? Ya know, what if they, instead, just stuck to teaching people how to properly clean, store and shoot their deadly, NOT pro-life weapons?
Eating meat is gross and unnecessary but DAY-UM grilled lamb and chicken smell awesome. Also…bacon.
I’ve eaten cow burgers and steaks, buffalo burgers, lamb, pork, alligator and snake bites, chicken, turkey, duck and who the fuck knows what else but no more. Why?Cow breeding to supply McDonalds, Burger Death, Wendy’s and all those fancy and lower rent steak joints. That shit’s killing the planet.
As for the rest of the four legged, why should I have them die for my gustatory enjoyment? Sure, I need protein in my diet but I can get that from plants.
I’m backing away from fish now too. I stopped eating squid and octopus a few years back too. As much as I LOVE calamari, those strange beasties are cool as fuck and every bit as smart as dogs, if not more so. Dining on them? //shudder// No thank you.I like tofu. Shut up! Creatively seasoned, it's fabola AND protein-rich.
If dinosaurs had lived, would humanity still have “evolved” to the point that we can and will off ourselves with our own “brilliant“ inventions? Nuclear power and weaponry anyone?
If I was god and gave a damn about this beautiful little planet, I totally wouldn’t have left humans running around, destroying the planet willy nilly, like this.
Old friend of mine, Lazarus Long, used to say it's best to deal with a man of god with one hand on your wallet, and the other your pistol.
ReplyDeleteI'm of the decidedly out of fashion opinion that right around ten thousand years ago a sun-baked Bedouin cult of male domination usurped the woman's rightfull place in the proper ordering of the world and all else that follows: War, politics, religion, pornography, government, religion, pornography - did I mention religion and pornography? - serves naught but to enforce that domination.
The Chinese were Fascist Fucks five thousand years ago, regardless how cool the literature that's trickled down ore the ages.
"Old friend of mine, Lazarus Long, used to say it's best to deal with a man of god with one hand on your wallet, and the other your pistol."