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Thursday, November 12, 2020

Why Do When I Can Overdo?

I overdid it on my walk yesterday. Shocking? Wut? No?

I’d intended to add just an extra couple of blocks BUT it was a beautiful, warm day and loads of folks were out walking their dogs and bairn. Given that, here in Massachusetts, we’re averaging 2,035 new cases of the Trump Plague PER DAY (yesterday hit 2,660!) I like to keep a good 60 yards between me and anyone I don’t live with. Yes, I’m masked up when venturing outta the house but, given my infatuation with staying alive and that annoying neurosurgery habit, there’s no such thing as being too careful.

So, to avoid possible plague carriers, I took a few detours. Yeah, I made it home in one piece and even managed to do one of my strength building PT exercises too but, DAMN, Imma have to go easy on me today.

I can’t help but figure that this long-ass recovery is exacerbated, made more challenging, in part due to the COVID struggles. Also, and significantly, there’s the endless, reality eschewing insanity of the Republi/Fascist Party and their treasonous toddler chaos king. That shit takes a toll especially as it’s, post election, been ramped up by the
Narcissistic Nitwit and his despotic Renfields.

In an effort to distract and release tension, Jen, Oni and I have been trying out new shows for our sci-fi/fantasy, escapist tea times. We’ve watched all of our latest shows – CrazyHead, Picard, Sabrina, Lucifer, Warrior Nun and Bast knows what else.

Last night we attempted to view a few new ones.

Fer instance, DayBreak:

High school isn't the end of the world... until it is. In this post-apocalyptic, genre-bending series, the city of Glendale, California is populated by marauding gangs of jocks, gamers, the 4-H Club, and other fearsome tribes who are kicking ass as they fight to survive in the wake of a nuclear blast...Following an eclectic group of survivors as they navigate this strange and treacherous world, DAYBREAK is part samurai saga, part endearing coming-of-age story, and part Battle Royale. (source)

Sounds great, right? Though amusing and I like the fourth wall breaking bits, all the players are kids – no adults seem to have survived the apocalypse and, lemme just tell you, that’s dull.

We tried Marianne, a French show about a young author whose horrific dreams are becoming reality. Nope. Not only were none of the characters engaging, they were actually annoyingly off-putting. Also, half an ep in, the writers had already pulled out half a dozen, if not more, desperately tired mystery/horror tropes. Right after the scary old crone proudly pissed herself as she was serving “tea” (which just HAD to be poison) we bailed.

We looked at Vampire Diaries, imagining it’d be similar to Buffy. Nope, NOT. AT. ALL. The first thing to annoy me was this – the actors all looked alike. They had matchy-match grooming, clearly tog shopped at the same three stores and had almost identical general appearances. I was thinking that part of the storyline was that they all came from one, highly incestuous family. To be fair, the female star’s BFF is Black but, aside from rockin’ a darker shade of flesh-tone, she was def from the same Teen Vogue tribe.

Honestly, it took me half the show to be able to distinguish one player from another. Also, while Buffy certainly had romance shit going on, that wasn’t the whole deal. The show’s other elements had just as much, if not more, weight. Basically, Vampire Diaries is a soap opera for swoony, mainstream middle school girls. Ya know, the type who find Beyoncé too exotic and radical. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

One thriller, which we may give a second chance, is Diablero – a Mexican show about a a priest needing help from "Diablero"  a legendary demon hunter named, Elvis Infante (LOVE the name!). The first installment didn’t knock my socks off BUT, of the four, it was the only one with a hint of promise.

We’re also gonna check out Childhood's End, a mini-series based on the Arthur C. Clarke novel.

After peaceful aliens invade earth, humanity finds itself living in a utopia under the indirect rule of the aliens, but does this utopia come at a price? (source)
This one looks like a thoroughly engaging winner, if not a laugh a minute.

I WILL transcend our current stress infused reality yet!

All pics today, by the by, are from my reality distract-a-thon camera purge.

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