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Sunday, April 17, 2022


This thing with Mister Spacely Sprockets—ya know, Elon Musk and his Twitter fetish play... do I really need to know about this?

On a Need to be Well Informed scale running from zero* to ten**, is Mr. I’d-like-to-die-on-Mars-but-not-on-impact trying to:
a) Truth Socialize Twitter? i.e., turn it into a bullhorn for bullshit like Fox “news?” A place overrun by slime laden griftasauruses and their slavering, overeager and violent marks?
b) Is the money droid (with the vaguely human face) just playing around with the market? Impossibly rich boy’s bored and wants to kick over Wall Street and a few ant hills too?
c) As we peasants pay our taxes, Fuck Face von Moneybags is attempting to distract us from the fact that he pays none?
d) maybe he’s just trying to get our minds off his long talked about and much delayed SpaceX Mars colonization.
zero being my need to know the amount of cabbage spent by Vanky and Melly on gros plastique headlights, makeup and abysmal clothing choices, etc. i.e., zzzzzzzzzzz, I don’t give a fuck.
** ten being this planet’s passionate need for us mega destructive humans to get our collective heads out of our asses long enough to save the only home we have from a needlessly early demise.

Things more important than some mega monied, spaceman manqué, yutz ?

  • Saving Ukraine from Russia’s constant war crime-ing.
  • My desperate need for macarons. NOW please!
  • The necessity to get out and vote the shit swizzling, greedheaded, lying-ass, Putin fanbois and general desecrators of democracy OUT of office. Are you registered to vote? Even if you voted in the last election, you may have *oopsie* been dropped off the list, particularly if you live in a Red state. CHECK your registration and VOTE!
  • A decent cuppa dark, demon infused joe.
  • Coco
  • Having a good laugh in the face of fear, struggle and general horror. This Trekkie tweet thread was just the geektastic distract-o-treat that I needed.

Frankly, the Depp versus Heard defamation trial (Mutant Musk, incidentally, is scheduled to testify) is, at least, more entertaining than reading about some tax dodging zillionaire who, apparently, can’t afford enough sycophants to keep his elephantine ego afloat.

OK, OK, done ranting. Also, if you celebrate, happy chocolate bunny day, joyeuses Pâques, Frohe Ostern, Buona Pasqua and all that.


  1. I'd vote for the kick-over-the-anthills one. Super-rich oligarchs are just as boring and obnoxious as anybody else, maybe more so.
