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Wednesday, September 7, 2022


 My Lady Greensleeves by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Greensleeves is a 16th century song which is often used when a student is learning how to play a musical instrument. It’s easy and pretty.

Maybe for the best that elementary school music teachers don’t share (at least not with me) the lyrics and historical meaning. At the time the song was written, green in a woman’s dress had salacious connotations. It implied that you picked up grass stains from an outdoor romp (imagine a classroom full of ten year olds giggling at this and a teacher vainly attempting to get the lesson back on track).

The lyrics of the Greensleeves song make frequent references to the Lady Greensleeves. In the song, the poet beseeches the Lady Greensleeves to not jilt his love and bemoans her disdain for his affections. He also reminds that lady of how he had bestowed his favours upon her. (source)
What? So, she owes him a roll in the hay because he maybe bought her a drink or paid her a compliment? He 's bought and paid for her so, spread 'em? How totally incel of him. If the tune’s author was alive now, he’d undoubtedly be a MAGAt.
Alas my love you do me wrong
To cast me off discourteously;
And I have loved you oh so long
Delighting in your company.
Here in Massachusetts we’ve had (and still have) some insane laws on the books. For example

  • It is illegal to keep a mule on the second floor of a building not in a city unless there are two exits
  • It is illegal to frighten a pigeon. (This one I can get behind—cruelty to other living beings should always be a crime.)
  • At a wake, mourners may eat no more than three sandwiches.
  • Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked. (C'mon, I don't snore THAT loud!)
  • Roosters may not go into bakeries. (They buy up all the cannolis, dammit!)
  • All men must carry a rifle to church on Sunday. (I imagine, in Wyoming and Utah, they already do.)
  • A woman may not be on top during sexual activities. (And we're back to those sobbing incels.)
  • Duels to the death permitted on the common on Sundays provided that the Governor is present.

Also, in the town of Marlborough: One may not detonate a nuclear device in the city.

Okay then!

I’ll begin taking the magic chemo pills to, hopefully, halt the growth of my frontal lobe monster. At this point my understanding is that this is a time buying deal. Something to hold me over until I’ve recovered enough for a fresh round of brain salad surgery.

I'll meet with Plotkin to discuss the possible side effects and get a better idea of what I can expect on this new path. As much as I love and trust my cutters, it'd be wicked-super-keen-awesome to get a full year off from the OR.
Solidly in the realm of things that never happened:

Trump Says He's 'Financially Supporting' January 6 Defendants
When asked during a call-in with the conservative Wendy Bell Radio show how he can help the defendants, Trump said he's "financially supporting people that are incredible," adding that he hosted some defendants in his office just two days ago.
The former president did not disclose how many defendants he is supporting, nor did he mention how much money is being given.
Was he doing this on the same day last week that he was at the White House having lunch with “weirdo” Zuckerberg? Remember, if tfg’s mouth is open (or he’s posting on his idiotic, failing app), he’s lying

Happy Hump Day!

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