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Friday, September 9, 2022


I can’t be the only person with this tune stuck in my head, can I?  Or, for that matter, this one.

While I’ve seen (online) some of my fellow Americans get all weepy about Queen Elizabeth’s passing, I’ve also seen a fair amount being all celebratory about it—talking trash as though it was evil Trump who’d croaked.

I only mention it but the heinousness of British colonialism, particularly in the second half of the 20th century, can’t all be laid at the recently dead Queen Liz’s well shod feet. The UK government is led by a prime minister, the House of Commons (members are elected) and the House of Lords (who are appointed, have inherited their titles or are some big Church of England mucky-muck). The Queen's duties include opening each new session of Parliament, granting Royal Assent to legislation, and approving Orders and Proclamations through the Privy Council.

Up until the end of the 17th century, British monarchs were executive monarchs. This means they had the right to make and pass laws. Since the beginning of the eighteenth century, the monarch has become a constitutional monarch. (source)
The royals are mostly just for show. Fancy pants diplomats. All I’m saying here is that Margaret Thatcher, Boris Johnson and Parliament members bear more responsibility for the UK’s crimes than the now croaked Queen. The jubilation on her death seems uninformed and pointless.
With Prince Chucky becoming the new monarch, folks are again raging about Camilla. All I’ve got to say about the Camilla versus Diana foofaraw is this:

A) Back when Chuckles was directed to settle down and score a wife, it was still a thing that he had to marry a titled virgin. His main squeeze back then was a married woman so she was def out of the picture. Essentially, headhunters went and found Diana. This was an arranged marriage fluffed up to look all Disney romance-y.

B) It seems Diana didn’t read the memo explaining this NOR was she aware of her own damn country’s traditions. Did she have zilcho friends to relieve her of her fatal naïveté?

Hells bells, I knew the score—Diana was just filling an open position—why didn’t she understand this? I’ll say this for her, she really knew how to play the poor, sad, innocent victim card. Her manipulation of the media was absolute perfection.

By the by, Camilla will be the queen consort, which is what any wife of a king would be called. She would only be queen regnant if she was the monarch.
Did you know, not only did tfg make a complete ass of himself when he and his current rental-wife visited the Queen, they were not invited to stay at Buckingham Palace. The Obamas and even George W. Bush however, were. All I’m saying is, for all the monarchy crap, Liz could be a fine judge of character.

So, Queen Elizabeth is gone. She was 96 years old.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite bits of Queen E lore that's come out in the last few days is that when the Orange Menace came to visit, she wore a brooch that Obama had given to her. Good judge of character indeed.
