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Sunday, September 4, 2022

Words and More

a subatomic particle similar in most respects to the electron except that it is unstable, it may be positively charged, and its mass is approximately 207 times greater.

Wait a sec, isn’t Muon the fifth or sixth century woman warrior in China? You know, the one featured in not one but TWO Disney movies?

Uh…no. That’s Mulan. Nevermind.

existing or occurring within the material world.

Dunno, this one sounds much more like a word one of TFG’s dimwit shyster’s would use to describe their boss’s nested crimes.


a school, attended in addition to one's regular school, where students prepare for college entrance examinations.

Wait, I thought this was the game where you try to rearrange a tower of fat wood blocks into a more elegant, sculptural arrangement. No? Oh right— that’s Jenga. Nevermind.

a record or account arranged in the order of a calendar.

No, no, no…menology is clearly, obviously, the study of men. I had a class on this in college—flunked it. Yup, the only class I ever failed. Now that I think on it, I must’ve learned something in the damn course considering I had the good luck to end up with The Amazing Bob and Ten.

Logical Fallacy 

Logical fallacies are flawed, deceptive, or false arguments that can be proven wrong with reasoning.

Shorter definition—bullshit

example: The Fanta Menace must be smart and biz savvy because he’s so rich.

Yeah, that’s an ultra malodorous pile of MAGAt poo. AKA a laughably huge logical fallacy.

In a CPT-symmetric universe, time would run backwards
from the Big Bang and antimatter would dominate
(L Boyle/Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Straight out of one of my sci-fi novels (or so it seems)…

Our universe could be the mirror image of an antimatter universe extending backwards in time before the Big Bang. So claim physicists in Canada, who have devised a new cosmological model positing the existence of an “antiuniverse” …  (source)

I’m undoubtedly misinterpreting this article but it's sparking fantasies of Superman’s Bizzaro world and The Long Earth series by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter.


Have any of you read Barbara Ehrenreich's book Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America?

Beginning in 1998, she did a modern-day version of writer Upton Sinclair’s eye-opening time in the Chicago meatpacking yards. She worked incognito in jobs around the country at the bottom end of the pay scale: waitress, hotel maid, cleaning woman, a Walmart clerk, averaging about $7 an hour.

She lived paycheck-to-paycheck — sometimes falling short, sometimes eking by — in trailer parks and shabby residential motels.

“In every job, in every place I lived, the work absorbed all my energy and much of my intellect,”... “I wasn’t kidding around. Even though I suspected from the start that the mathematics of wages and rents were working against me, I made a mighty effort to succeed.” (source)

Ehrenreich died on Thursday September first at the age of 81. Nickel and Dimed should be required reading for every damned person on the planet.

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