Of all my elementary school teachers, why is it that I remember only two!? Sister Christina in kindergarten, who scared the shit outta me (literally), and Sister Nancy in fifth grade, who I adored. From junior high I only remember my eighth grade math teacher, Mrs. Orr. High school? Band teacher, Mr. Pescini. I hated him and the orchestra instructor too (I’ve forgotten that dick’s name though).
I recall the names of most of my college art profs but none of my college music teachers. Why is that? My memories of the music instructors are generally way more positive than that of all but two of my art instructors. I loved my flute and solfeggio professors—they were kind, encouraging and inspiring. I was wild about my ceramics instructor. The sculpture dude I barely recall (except for the fact that he was having an affair with his grad assistant). The painting/drawing teachers were, save one, pompous, condescending, manipulative fucks. So, WHY do I remember almost all their names?
On the whole, I've always had a pretty shitty memory for names. This isn’t related to Nf2– I just think I bank impressions, personalities and appearances more than handles.
Fer instance, back when The Amazing Bob, Jen and I were all working together in a print shop in Back Bay (the place is long gone—replaced by a huge Apple store), a young man briefly worked in our department. He was fun, gentle and very smart. TAB and Jen decided to change his name—they felt he looked much more like a Reilly than whatever his real name was. I totally knew his name. Hells bells, I’d even sent him an invite to TAB’s after-party/wake and, though it’d been eons since we all worked together, he came. This fellow isn’t a stranger by any means and, when I think of him, it’s with big affection. So, why can’t I recall his real name?
I can’t even bring the names of all the fab physical therapists I’ve seen over the past few years to mind and I had/have mondo appreciation and gratitude for all of them. I remember the way two of the four or so visiting PTs looked. I recall all of their personalities but their names? Nope.
Mysterious US Space Drone Returns to Earth After Record-Breaking MissionWhy is it mysterious? Nothing in the article alludes to anything baffling or strange. Did they mean to write military, as in the post’s first sentence? Or was the use the word mysterious clickbait marketing? Yeah, I’m going with option number two.
A US military space drone landed at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Saturday after nearly two and a half years in orbit, Boeing said.

Here’s some cool, fun clay work by Lisa Agnetun. She makes, amongst other things, Ghost Ceramics. They’re adorable and that’s AOK—we can’t and shouldn’t all be H.R. Giger. At least not all the time.
Here’s something I’m wondering—did the ghosts start out as an amusing way to test new glazes? That is, when I used to be into glaze chemistry, I’d have to make a whole batch of little test pieces on which to fire my glaze experiments. These were usually just tiles and/or very small pots. How much more fun would it have been had I made the test pieces in the shape of cats, aliens or bats?
Why didn't I think of that?
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