I’ve been seeing this improbable name in the news lately—Sam Bankman-Fried as in the Bankman is Fried and so is his magic, rip-off cryptocurrency scam. Again with this crypto shit! Did Sam promise all of his marks investors a toy prize inside every box of crypto coinlakes and then renege?
Sammy boy fucked up so badly that Martin PharmaBro Shkreli is giving him suggestions on how to survive his time as a guest of the penal system.
Rich frat weasels gotta rat weasel—it’s their nature. Ya know, I just don’t give a jet-engined fuck what happens to either of them. I also don’t think Shkreli has learned anything or evolved during his involuntary time out. He'll radiate smug entitled assholeness well after he's dead. He'd make a dandy replacement for Space Karen at the irretrievably broken bird app.
Kari Lake’s ongoing starring performance of “Look At Me—I’m a Swaggering Pile of Incompetent, Bullying, Rhinoshit” is still playing in courtrooms near you. Except, she and her ravening pack of shysters keep getting their asses kicked to the curb. Kari’s time on the stage is getting short.
…Lake…boasted that she had filed the “strongest election lawsuit the country has ever seen.” The losing GOP candidate added that her case is “chock-full of evidence.” (source)
Why I don’t travel over the holidays—no, not even on Arbor (Friday, April 28) or Marzipan (Wednesday January 12th) Days? Airlines like Southwest .
The carrier canceled about 8,000 flights when other airlines reported zero to 2% cancellation rates during a major winter storm
Of the approximately 2,950 flight cancellations in the US by midday Tuesday, 2,549 were called off by Southwest.
Southwest said it would take steps to cover reasonable travel costs including hotels, rental cars and tickets on other airlines. (source)
Southwest will "take steps” to "cover reasonable costs." "Take steps" says to me that this isn't a high priority. Who decides what "reasonable costs" are? Will they pay for wages lost because of missed work due to their cock-up?
Will Southwest pay for the extra baby/child/pet care costs since the flight was cancelled and folks couldn't get home? What was the REAL reason that Southwest had 86.4% of all airline cancellations for the big, BIG holiday weekend? Too many employees out with COVID? Catastrophically shitty flight and employee scheduling?
~~~Cats, dogs, elephants and baby goats are much more interesting, fun, calming and enlightening to read about. With occasional news check-ins, I'm primarily reading/viewing pet and animal vids and space and cloud pics. At the least, it's better for my always high tension levels. While waiting for this morning’s MRI to begin (the brain this time) I can engage and chill my bean with tales of medieval manuscripts and cats.
It just occurred to me, Jen’s birthday is later next month. I do believe she needs baby goats. Who doesn't?
One last bit of advice to the Lothario Manques rattling around out there—Inigo Montoya. THIS is how it’s done. Useful in business and a lot of social situations.
1. Polite greeting
2. Name
3. Relevant personal link
4. Manage expectations
Check out the master’s smooth delivery.
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