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Friday, April 14, 2023

Dead Birds and Dipshits

I’m finally off the fucking bird app. What did it take to make the final break? Deleting it from my phone. Simple. I should have done it when Space Karen first bought the site but noooooooooo.

What was the final back back-breaking straw? I found that I was blocking trolls and advertisers more than I was actually reading tweets and convos. The place is now riddled with delusional right wing fecal brained bozos who get all their nooz from Mad Marge the Q-anon Queen, Tucker-Moscow Mouthpiece-Carlson and whatever other hate spewing talking trash floats by on the breeze.

Another reason for ditching the bird? I’m just sick to death of reading about that Trump wannabe (how long before Eloi starts painting his face orange every morning?). MusKKK  will never come to grips with the fact that he’s nowhere near as bright, attractive or witty as he thinks he is. He gets chicks and slavering, toadying dudebros because he’s rich—that’s it.

There are still a few fun posters left on the near dead bird—like Ask Aubrey, Jeff Tiedrich, George Takei but I can read their posts elsewhere
I always imagined evil in impeccable Italian suits and handmade leather shoes. Sort of demonic CEO chic.
~ Lish McBride, Hold Me Closer, Necromancer
Me too. They’d at least be deceptively suave, cool and well dressed like 007 baddies. In real life? Ah…no and double plus no.

I’m not missing any vital news in not seeing the birdie bullshit anymore. I just don’t have to witness the proud dumbfuckery of a full third of this country.

Just in case you thought that Massachusetts was blessedly free of stupidity, here’s Jack Teixeira of Dighton who, through his position as an Airman 1st Class with the National Guard, obtained classified info. He then posted 50 but perhaps more than 100 classified documents to Discord - a social media platform popular with gamers.

This obvs radically insecure, tiny dicked weasel shared classified U.S. intel online with a bunch of rando gamers. Why? Maybe he’s a spy, an anarchist, a right-wing douchenozzle looking to trip up the Biden/Harris administration. OR he’s a brain banjaxed young man trying to impress his gaming buds with how awesome he is to have such a big deal government gig.

I wonder how much jail time young Teixeira will have to serve for this mindblowingly stupid micro-dicked move. I only mention it by MY biggest mistake at the age of 21 was willingly sleeping with the wrong dude or three. I was far from the brightest young adult but I did actually know enough not to hand out government secrets like Pez and bubblegum.


  1. As God is generally depicted as an angry old white guy in rags with a big bushy white beard and flashing pinwheel eyes, it stands to reason the devil would nattily turn out in a chartreuse tuxedo with rhinestone cummerbund and a hand-painted Jerry Garcia tie, calmly blowing smoke-rings off his tail ...
