the fear of hot weather.
(from Latin aestos, hot weather)
Today the temps here in New England (ON the water where it should be much cooler) are expected to reach the low 80s. I am NOT happy about this. Cake and I, both clad in black, are unprepared for oppressive conditions.
Ipse dixit [ ip-see dik-sit ]
an assertion without proof.
In Latin, ipse dīxit means “he himself said.” The feminine equivalent, “she herself said,” is ipsa dīxit.
Anything out of that once-indicted, twice-impeached, popular-vote-losing, insurrection-leading, serial-sexual-predating, casino-bankrupting, hush-money-paying real-estate-scamming, classified-document-thieving, weather-map-defacing, tax-cheating, charity-defrauding, money-laundering, fluorescent tangerine fuckface (thanks Jeff Tiedrich!) is, ipso facto, ipse dixit.
OR it’s rancid weasel shit. In this specific case, same/same.
Quincunx [ kwing-kuhngks ]
an arrangement of five objects, as trees, in a square or rectangle, one at each corner and one in the middle.
Quincunx literally means “five-twelfths” in Latin and is formed from quīnque, “five,” and uncia, “twelfth.”
No. This is actually an archaic spelling of the British word quincunts which, obviously, is the term for a group of five extremely annoying people.
Lilapsophobia [ li-lap-suh-foh-bee-uh ]
an irrational or disproportionate fear of tornadoes or hurricanes.
In lilapsophobia, lilaps- comes from Ancient Greek laîlaps, meaning “violent storm.”

I read this first as “an irrational or disproportionate fear of tomatoes and hurling.” I’ve GOT to slow down when I read.
Pervicacious [ pur-vi-key-shuhs ]
extremely willful; obstinate; stubborn.
Bai [ bahy ]
a yellow mist occurring during the spring and fall, caused by dust from the interior of China.
Sounds cool but I’m pretty sure the spelling’s off (should be Bae) and is either an acronym for "before anyone else" or it’s a shortened version of baby or babe. Yellow mist though…is that where yellow snow (which you should never eat) comes from?
Chryselephantine [ kris-el-uh-fan-tin ]
made of or overlaid with gold and ivory, as certain objects made in ancient Greece.
Oh please, anyone with half a brain can see that chryselephantine is the word used to describe something which resembles (or makes you think of) a crystal elephant.

a place to retreat to, alone, when ill-humoured
While I absolutely love this definition I thought growlers were glass craft beer containers. Wouldn’t this then make a growlery a place where either a growler is made and/or filled? Mind you, I’m not a beer drinker (whiskey–neat, thank you so much) but I suppose I could see growlery fitting both definitions.
Okay, I think there’s a third unrecorded definition. A growlery is a place you go to growl. You know, you go there to grouse, grumble and maybe even whine in private. It’s, socially speaking, a more acceptable way to carp and crab. If you growl unremittingly in public, you’re bound to get a rep for being a wholly unpleasant human.
Also, you may as well have a pint of a nice IPA as long as you’re there.
Actually, 'growlers' started out as mill workers' lunch-buckets. Really, buckets; they'de carry their lunch to work in the morning and stop at the pub to fill their 'growler' (and have a pint) on the way home.
ReplyDeleteDamn, that word is just jam packed with meaning!