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Friday, June 30, 2023


 All I want to do today is read my latest mystery (Tim Dorsey’s Tropic of Stupid—NOT deep reading by any means but decent escapist nonsense. Dorsey’s like a poor man’s Carl Hiaasen—like Aerosmith to the Stones...sort of). I want to endlessly scroll cat memes, ignore the news and doodle on the kitchen walls.

I've done half of my rehab exercising already (the sunrise walk part)—the elliptical portion can wait until this afternoon. I'm now regularly clocking a mile and a half per day. Even more fab, my back and chest pain is significantly less. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to work up to a mile and three quarters per day by the end of July. Better still—doing it withOUT the walker. I'm just filled with glorious aspirations today.

This is turning out to be a Good Friday (redundant, I know). If I continue ducking the news AND social media, the day may well continue to be awesome. It just now occurred to me that a cannoli or perhaps a lovely slice of Fratelli's carrot cake, would lock that likelihood straight up. Mmmmm, frosting!

And, don't forget that:

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