I am SO sick of seeing headlines about that ugly orange fraudulent fuckwad AND his idiot followers. Post-indictment they’re doing all they can to churn up another seditious mob of violent, fecal brained, gun-toting, mouth breathing nimrods to murder and burn down their enemies (i.e. anyone with an ounce of intelligence and empathy). If there is such a thing as a soul, this sort have a gaping chasm of loud, reeking farts where a soul would normally be found.

Rep. Clay Brain-Dead Higgins from Louisiana, failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Psycho Kari Lake, Rep. Andy Tiny-Dick Biggs of Arizona, Missouri Senator Josh the-Running-Absurdity Hawley and more—NONE of them are honestly as stupid as they pretend to be. They’re pandering to their nimrodian voters, using the Tangerine Twatface to boost their own grifts, all so they can keep (or, in Scary Kari’s case, obtain) those cushy government jobs with boffo benefits.
None of them give one titanium plated fuck who dies because of the violence they foment with their theatrical, insane lying. All they care about is scoring fame, money and more of it.
Enough about these evil shits though.
Here in Valhalla it’s a beautiful day. It’s sunny, the air quality is good, I’ve already had a decent walk and Cake is being an affectionate, handsome boy (as usual). It's a good day to ignore the news, doodle on the kitchen walls and read stories about spaceships, aliens, cats and superheroes.
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