Some folks are really just too stupid, selfish, shortsighted, irresponsible and unaware of the world around them to have children. It’s not just the Duggars and other quiverfull evangelical nimrods who are destroying the planet with their overbreeding but those stand out.
I suppose war is humanity’s version of deer hunting season. You know, a way to cull the herd. Here in the U.S., ridiculously lax gun laws along with the callous and dimbulbed prioritization of the rich over mental healthcare have done the job of war. There have been 19,411 deaths by gun in the U.S. so far this year and we’re just 6.5 months in. Meanwhile in Ukraine, an actual war zone, there have been 8,983 civilian deaths after 13 and a half months of vicious, unprovoked combat.
So, humans are doing a bang-up job of self-culling. If there are any Republi/Fascists readers, this self-culling is your party’s chosen form of abortion. Ya know, wait until after a person has been born, grown up a bit, experienced some life, probably a little love, possibly quite a bit and then BAM—off they go, in pain and terror, to the dirt farm.
AND another thing, being well intentioned is utterly worthless without intelligent, empathetic, realistic actions.
Don’t EVER fucking tell me that you’re going to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Maybe you will but what does that mean? What good does it do? I may not be completely out of your mind when we’re out of contact but, seriously now, what are those thoughts and prayers doing for me or anyone else?
Do these folks fancy their thoughts and prayers are extra special with a superior fast lane to their all powerful sky daddy? Do their prayers hold some heavy sway with their mystical spirit in the sky? Do they have magic healing powers like amethyst, clear quartz or jasper supposedly have?
Is the reason that cancer, war and assholes still exist because the t&p yahoos aren't praying hard enough or maybe, whoopsie, they just plain forgot to pray? Could it be that their magic daddy figure doesn’t grant wishes like a genie in a lamp?
Yeah, I do know the actual meaning of the line “I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.” It translates as “I
don’t plan on doing a damn thing to help you or anyone else but I have
to say something so I don’t come off as the gutless, narcissistic piece
of used jet trash that I really am.”
Maybe the tots and prayer types are well intentioned and not just posturing? My father used to say of my mother, “she means well.” My reply? “That and half a buck MIGHT get me a cuppa joe.”
THINK before you open your gob. Sometimes there aren’t any words that’ll act like an ultra dry martini garnished with a hunk of of jasper and a dose of lorazepam. This is why we have hugs, flowers and dark chocolate. Also, ice cream.
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